Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Godspeed - PC/NA (CP160+) Endgame PvE Focused

Godspeed is recruiting active and social CP160+ veterans from any faction!


-Endgame PvE Guild Focused

-We do 4/12/12+ player group content

-Weekly Events such as Trials, Imperial City Groups, and Cyrodill. We run all trials including the new "Maw of Lorkhaj".

-We have a strict policy against rage quitting/kicking while in a group.

-We have Teamspk3. It's a must have, but a mic is not required.

-Weekly Guild Mails to stay up to date with guild events and latest ESO news.

-Ranks go by content completed. This is one of Godspeed's unique systems. Its as easy as "linking in chat" to an Officer the proper achievements to qualify for a specific rank. This is to show everyone in guild just how experienced you are and what your capable of doing. All rank information is found in the "Message of the Day".

-ALL member notes show combat roles: DPS, TANK, or HEALS. Also, the notes may include any particular max crafts, traits, rare motifs etc. that you would like to add. Only the GM and Officers can edit member notes, this helps to keep ALL notes in the same format for less confusion. You can either ask in guild chat for a specific role or you can simply open up the guild roster and just scroll through the notes/ranks and find the right player for you.

-New recruits must be willing to learn Godspeed's methods and strategies while also giving us any information about other mechanics that we may have missed. This will help us all to get better in ESO.

-We love talking about new build theories & mechanics all the time so hop into ts with us so we can come up with some crazy builds!

"Enjoy running trials and IC pvp? Want to learn endgame mechanics? Love talking build theories? Then join up with Godspeed today!"

In-game mail @Nighn_9 or @cpuScientist with your combat role (DPS, TANK, HEALS) for an invite
Edited by Nighn_9 on January 23, 2017 8:23PM
November Beta 2013
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