The Elder Scrolls game have, in my humble opinion, some of the best, most interesting and profound lore of any video game. And I really admire the world and all the rich history and characters that have been woven into the games.
But I wonder; am I just a lonely nerd among millions? Do people actually care to know about the lore behind the game?
Do people care who the Eight/Nine Divines, the Tribunal, and the Daedric Princes are?
Do people care how the various races came to be? How Tamriel came to be shaped like it is today?
I'm curious to know.
Edited by Woodenplank on January 23, 2017 7:33PM I think it is central to ESO's well-being to critique the developers when they change the game (or fail to change something).
But the negativity can be exhausting, so I vow to post 50/50 negativity and appreciation.
Do people care about Lore? 319 votes
Yes! I want to know more/already know a lot
No! It's at best a distraction from gameplay
Honestly don't care, it's nice to have, but not something to look into.