The problem is the system is abused, and people are regularly kicked for reasons outside of their control, such as simply not meeting the CP level the group wanted. Since a player has no foreknowledge of who they will be grouped with and what criteria this future group may have, it is 100% unfair to kick a player within seconds of their dungeon initiating. There is being kicked because you're a jerk, and then there is being kicked because you didn't meet the (unknown) standards of a group of strangers, often after you have waited half an hour in queue and before you've even been given a chance to prove yourself, all because the people you are grouped with know they can kick you with no repercussions.
It is a broken system at the moment.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »If you want to waste 50k worth of potions and not end up completing a dungeon, be my guest.
Being kicked for being aggressive or trolling, or making the group wipe etc all makes sense.
But kicking because someone is low level or low CP before they even start the dungeon is stupid and eliteist.
I have both been a low level person voted to kick and been the only 561 in the group who declined to boot a L10 purely on their level. That's the stupid kicking.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »If you want to waste 50k worth of potions and not end up completing a dungeon, be my guest.
Are we talking about 4-player dungeons or vet trials here? I never used any "k" of potions in any 4-player dungeon.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Vet DLC dungeons are hard as ***. So are base game dungeons if your team is ***.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »The problem is the system is abused, and people are regularly kicked for reasons outside of their control, such as simply not meeting the CP level the group wanted. Since a player has no foreknowledge of who they will be grouped with and what criteria this future group may have, it is 100% unfair to kick a player within seconds of their dungeon initiating. There is being kicked because you're a jerk, and then there is being kicked because you didn't meet the (unknown) standards of a group of strangers, often after you have waited half an hour in queue and before you've even been given a chance to prove yourself, all because the people you are grouped with know they can kick you with no repercussions.
It is a broken system at the moment.
There is nothing wrong with kicking a low CP level. If I'm queuing for a hard mode vet DLC dungeon or a base game dungeon with a difficult boss and I see a CP 30 player on the team. I'm going to vote kick that player and if the kick fails, I will leave.
Some content is just impossible to complete at low CP levels. If you want to waste 30k worth of potions and not end up completing a dungeon, be my guest.
will_rob87 wrote: »MLGProPlayer wrote: »The problem is the system is abused, and people are regularly kicked for reasons outside of their control, such as simply not meeting the CP level the group wanted. Since a player has no foreknowledge of who they will be grouped with and what criteria this future group may have, it is 100% unfair to kick a player within seconds of their dungeon initiating. There is being kicked because you're a jerk, and then there is being kicked because you didn't meet the (unknown) standards of a group of strangers, often after you have waited half an hour in queue and before you've even been given a chance to prove yourself, all because the people you are grouped with know they can kick you with no repercussions.
It is a broken system at the moment.
There is nothing wrong with kicking a low CP level. If I'm queuing for a hard mode vet DLC dungeon or a base game dungeon with a difficult boss and I see a CP 30 player on the team. I'm going to vote kick that player and if the kick fails, I will leave.
Some content is just impossible to complete at low CP levels. If you want to waste 30k worth of potions and not end up completing a dungeon, be my guest.
I think people kick depending on your role in the group and they just don't give you a chance to prove yourself if you are DPS. For example, when my tank was CP 100, I could easily complete Vet dungeons without being kicked. However, on my DPS I would be kicked immediately. My DPS is now CP340 and has now only just started to complete Vet dungeons without being kicked
like a [snip]
But yes, don't get me wrong: I agree that you certainly need a group with a certain level (as in skill and/or CPs) to complete vanilla vet dungeons, and an even higher level for vet DLC ones.
Just don't exaggerate and say you need 50k of pots to do them.That's simply not correct.
Being kicked for being aggressive or trolling, or making the group wipe etc all makes sense.
But kicking because someone is low level or low CP before they even start the dungeon is stupid and eliteist.
I have both been a low level person voted to kick and been the only 561 in the group who declined to boot a L10 purely on their level. That's the stupid kicking.
I'd say 90% of the time a group decision to kick is justified.
The ability to vote kick is a major feature of nearly all MMOs. The feature was added to ESO because the majority of pkayers asked for it.
Even if you are part of a guild or private group of your friends you might still get vote kicked b/c your AFK or because you really are acting like a !j/ack@s $ and you are a significant burden to the group. If you're not mature enough to handle being kicked you should take a step back and realize you are playing a game.
Vote kicking in random groups is very very necessary. I've encountered some wonderful, generous, kind, patient people, but when you get a bad apple . . . they need to be kicked.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »There is nothing wrong with kicking a low CP level.
This argument is stupid because some Vet Dungeons you can`t do with low cp`s... well maybe with pro low cp`s but not your average player.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »CP is nothing more than a measure of time played.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »MLGProPlayer wrote: »There is nothing wrong with kicking a low CP level.
If you accepted that person knowing their CP then kick them because of it there is something very wrong with that, and shows a significant degree of dishonesty on the part of those doing the licking.
BTW: Is there really anyone in this game, even in PUGs who actually thinks CP = Ability?
All The Best