Sounds like you had bad luck with the RNG. I say no. What would be the purpose of doing content if everything was craftable??
Unfortunately, like it or not, "unique reward" for repeating certain content is ingrained in the genetics of the game and not unique to eso.
Killing that driver will have massive impact. Not nec good.
The key imo to helping crafting for equip is to give it its own unique niche. Not talking just different sets.
Right now the only uniques thing about crafting is motif control. Drop sets are fixed motif.
Crafting has convenience/speed (in traits and pieces) and has more control over weight but those are not unique when compared to crafted.
Imo giving crafted the ability to craft their sets removing one or two of the bonuses, creating wpn/body sets of "full" 3pc or 4pc style would be great, createca lot of new possibly improved versions of old sets and give crafting new unique capabilities to add to builds.
Unfortunately, like it or not, "unique reward" for repeating certain content is ingrained in the genetics of the game and not unique to eso.
Killing that driver will have massive impact. Not nec good.
The key imo to helping crafting for equip is to give it its own unique niche. Not talking just different sets.
Right now the only uniques thing about crafting is motif control. Drop sets are fixed motif.
Crafting has convenience/speed (in traits and pieces) and has more control over weight but those are not unique when compared to crafted.
Imo giving crafted the ability to craft their sets removing one or two of the bonuses, creating wpn/body sets of "full" 3pc or 4pc style would be great, createca lot of new possibly improved versions of old sets and give crafting new unique capabilities to add to builds.
Ingrained in the genetics of the game? Just like different areas in the game world having different levels associated with them? This would be a similar sort of sweeping change as those instituted in One Tamriel.
Unique niche? That's moving in the wrong direction. Instead of simply making crafting a valid part of the game, you'd be creating another divergence to be balanced.
Unfortunately, like it or not, "unique reward" for repeating certain content is ingrained in the genetics of the game and not unique to eso.
Killing that driver will have massive impact. Not nec good.
The key imo to helping crafting for equip is to give it its own unique niche. Not talking just different sets.
Right now the only uniques thing about crafting is motif control. Drop sets are fixed motif.
Crafting has convenience/speed (in traits and pieces) and has more control over weight but those are not unique when compared to crafted.
Imo giving crafted the ability to craft their sets removing one or two of the bonuses, creating wpn/body sets of "full" 3pc or 4pc style would be great, createca lot of new possibly improved versions of old sets and give crafting new unique capabilities to add to builds.
Ingrained in the genetics of the game? Just like different areas in the game world having different levels associated with them? This would be a similar sort of sweeping change as those instituted in One Tamriel.
Unique niche? That's moving in the wrong direction. Instead of simply making crafting a valid part of the game, you'd be creating another divergence to be balanced.
First bold - no not like that at all. the geo-political nodes were an idea that worked great for the whole game when it was released and served the basic model and paradigm fairly well. Average players running the breadcrumb trail content thru would keep stepping up to new gear tiers/levels at about the same time they moved to zones where the drops sets and mats also advanced to that level. in truth it was JUST LIKE 1T for most players in that "where you were" your "drops and mats found" were in sync with your needs.
Exception from the beginning was if you strayed from the path too much it got askew and served worse.
Unfortunately that askew thing got worse as the game advanced and the straightjacket to the breadcrumb trail became more and more easily slipped off by average, casual players. By the time they did away with vet levels and the leapfrog for alts meant the formerly vet-1 to vet-8 mats might be skipped entirely, that whole geo-political nodes thing was no longer serving the needs well at all for most of the players, esp the casual average. it did however create a good market for dedicated crafters willing to help out those caught in the "i am cp 90 now but my zone drops cp 30 or maybe that was vet levels somewhere between the vet thing and 1T.
The 1T change for nodes and such simply put back in the original core "result" - where you are you get what you need - and there was much rejoicing.
But while i myself do not see it as a thing that drives me - across not the game but the player base the idea that "do something special get something special" is a real thing. The "grind for goodies" was not just double downed but triple or quadruple downed by Zos when 1t came out and that wasn't too long ago. The idea that they would be inclined to revamp to a whole new way of thinking and gameplay counter to that any time soon and when practically every DLC includes more "special for special" content... not the same as 1T nodes which basically "fixed" or "restored" and adapted the original model for the open world anywhere anytime 1T model.
Scaled nodes did not produce a radical different result - it just returned the norm to what it was when landscape and quest and mats were all much less free, much more scripted.
Second bold: i understand what you are saying but it makes no sense to me - a doesnt follow from b.
There are plenty of cases in the game where one thing does this and another thing does that - they provide unique differences and they balance just fine.
Jewelry right now isn't "harder to balance" because it cannot be crafted. its easier to balance given it cannot be crafted.
there is nothing about "this has unique capabilities" that makes something not a valid part of the game.
with alchemy, i can create potions and poisons i cannot get from the drops - is alchemy not a valid part of the game?
with provisioning, i can create foods and drinks that i cannot get from drops - is that somehow invalid?
With both of these, its not just orders of magnitue but combos - no drops food or drink is gonna give me anything like witchmothers brew or the vampire bloody mary or even the delicacies from wrothgar.
My view is that if you want both crafted equipment and drop equipment to have a role in every level of the game, not just temporary convenience and cosmetics like motif - they both need unique direct impact capabilities.
Right now, all the unique "building blocks" (2pc body monster sets, 3pc jewel/wpn sets, jewels for all drop sets, 1-2pc mael/master sets) are on the side of drops.
ALL the unique ones are on the drop set side.
The only shared "building block" is the 5pc set and even there, there are more drop sets than craft sets. To be sure, within each of those sets of sets there are lots of options.
So, to me, it seems that if drops can be balanced with four-five unique building blocks all their own, seems like crafted can be balanced if it gets its own unique building blocks with 3pc and 4pc body/wpn sets.
So it seems to me that if drops with four-five unique "building clocks" all their own can be considered a valid part of the game, then crafted equip can also be considered a valid part of the game if it got a couple unique "building block" to call its own with 3pc 4pc body/wpn sets.
i dont want crafting equipment to become even more about supporting drop sets - unless they just want to rename them to "Alteration" skills instead of craft skills i suppose. leave crafting to the consumables where you spend most of it making stuff you cant get elsewhere - you know - making stuff unique to the skill.
Why does it just have to be 3 or 4 pieces? I'd personally love love love to have a 7 piece set. We could even get updates on old, outdated sets to add 6 and 7 piece set bonuses. They would likely have to be comparable to monster sets without being outright better, of course. Or, alternatively, the 6 and 7 bonuses could possibly be better than monster sets (in most cases) to offset the 2-5 bonuses being relatively inferior to dropped sets in the current meta. Imagine Pelial's Aptitude with an extra stat boost for a 6 piece, and a 7 piece that gave you 300-500 Spell Damage for casting a Stamina ability, and vice versa, as an example. Or Ashen Grip with a 7 piece that gives you a chunk of Weapon Damage and/or Weapon Critical for every enemy hit with the fire breath.Imo giving crafted the ability to craft their sets removing one or two of the bonuses, creating wpn/body sets of "full" 3pc or 4pc style would be great, createca lot of new possibly improved versions of old sets and give crafting new unique capabilities to add to builds.
Very much agree with this. Making crafting and looting different and complementing each other is a good direction....snip...
if you want a "balance" between crafted sets and farmed sets you need to have them each provide different unique options, not just be different ways to get the same stuff if you happened to sink tons of skills into it.