Maintenance for the week of January 20:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

The Trojan Horse [SEA & Oceanic] -- //RECRUITMENT Temporarily CLOSED//

Hey it's Jeff again.

We stopped updating to funnel new-comers into the guild.
The guild is undergoing changes to reflect our growth.

Continuing to seek providing value to players, we have decided to cut the number of people so we can give more meaningful attention.
After all, the point of a guild is to be playing with other members working to endgame. To be making friends among adventurers and gamers.
Growing together as players is the final most important goal.

If you are still interested in what we do, check some of the videos in the comments of this post.
We will be opening up for recruitment, by AUGUST.

I am still available to contact under @earthenpillar.
Thank you for checking us out~!
Edited by EarthenPillar on June 3, 2018 12:17PM
  • EarthenPillar
    We've sent out invites to those who've mailed me. I am surprised to have found many others like myself! Will do my best to improve accessibility for those in asia. :)

    Also, here is a past video to show off some gameplay skills!
    Edited by EarthenPillar on January 25, 2017 3:35AM
  • RavenSworn
    I'd love to join'! sadly though, I'm outstation so I'm only gonna be online in the next few days. will send a tell as soon as I'm in, user id is as follows: RavenSworn.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Ramelia
    Hi, im from Singapore and would love to join. @Ramelia
  • waynekhr
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,

    Would love to join your guild.
    Am from Singapore. @waynekhr
  • EarthenPillar
    Invites Sent. ^_^
  • EarthenPillar
    I made another tutorial recently! Another meaningful BUMP!
  • munster1404
    Hi, I'm a Singaporean too. Keen on signing up. ESO is my first real mmorpg, bought it on Steam last week. Previously the closest game to an mmorpg that I have played before is Tom Clancy's The Division (2000 hours playtime) .
  • lagunabobby
    Soul Shriven
    Yo bros pls add me to your friendlist or guild ign is @lagunaboby... Bought it on steam too lol
  • lagunabobby
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry typo should be @lagunabobby forgotten to add double b lol
  • RECON96
    Would like to finally join a guild in the same time zone. Please send invite @lics007 please and thanks.
  • EarthenPillar
    Invites sent. :)

    As for how this guild is doing!
  • lagunabobby
    Soul Shriven
    Love the guy in bra & panties ahhahaa
  • enjrew
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, mind if i join? ;)@enjrew
  • EarthenPillar
    All invites sent out!

    Magicka Dragon Knight Veteran Elden Hollow solo, hardmode.
    I do these myself to demostrate proper self sustain and simply to exercise my reaction to boss mechanics.

    It's great to have met players that encourage me to continue these videos!! Have been kept very busy! :D
    Guild has already progress to normal trials and working on our players' skill to do vet content!! O_o
    To think most of our players whom were only lvl30 in january are now over CP300 and working on Maelstrom! <3
  • xKayzee
    Soul Shriven
    Keen to join! @xKayzee
  • Luthchylus
    Soul Shriven
    Want to join, plz :) really want to play with people form the same time zone!


  • EarthenPillar
    Always good to have more Asians and Aussies joining us!

  • EarthenPillar
    Hello again everyone!
    Magicka Nightblade -- Vet Banished Cells I, Solo Hardmode
    Boss cooldowns are a thing. Telegraphs can be hard to tell and sometimes there's no real animation to telegraph a move. Lag is also a thing. Screw that tho, still gonna make the clear!!!
  • Zakalwei
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,

    My cousin and I have just come back and its getting kind of lonely just solo questing. We are both +8 GMT so it's tough to find other folk in the same time zone.

    We are just working our way through CP grinding atm, both love end game dungeoning and the like, would love to join if you have spots? I'm on my stam sorc and he is playing his stam blade.
  • otongwikakoe
    Soul Shriven
    i would like to join,im from indonesia @otongwikakoe
  • EarthenPillar
    Zakalwei wrote: »
    Hi there,

    My cousin and I have just come back and its getting kind of lonely just solo questing. We are both +8 GMT so it's tough to find other folk in the same time zone.

    We are just working our way through CP grinding atm, both love end game dungeoning and the like, would love to join if you have spots? I'm on my stam sorc and he is playing his stam blade.

    Hey man what's you and your cousin's usernames? :D
  • EarthenPillar
    Invites Sent out! Welcome to the guild. :)
    Make sure to check out our guys on Discord~!

    We just finished our first guild vet Dragon Star Arena clear. We do training groups for these.
    A lot of buddies from other guilds ask that I bring players and carry 1 newbie at the time. SCREW THAT~!!!

    Doing it with 3 newbies in 1 go is so much more fun,
    those players learn to deal with things together and it's a serious test of gameplay anyways! :hushed:

    Here we go to pushing endgame for South-East Asians!;list=PLohURdukR-lsOB69iCgdWbzkC_RSpNO9L&amp;index=4
  • EarthenPillar
    Thank you those who have been supporting me and inquiring. Has helped made our numbers grow.

    In the meantime enjoy this video!
    Stress-testing magplar sustain. vetSpindleClutch Hardmode Solo!
  • Gaden.Phoenix
    Are you all still recruiting players?

    Singaporean Templar Healer here. I just started playing a few days ago and am still levelling.

    But would really love to join a guild that plays roughly my timezone.

    My nick is @gadenp
  • accgm
    Soul Shriven
    I hear you guys are about to rescue a fair lady from an elf, would like to join Thanks.
  • EarthenPillar
    Invites sent out people! Just finished our 6th man PvE core group.
    Once 10th man we're going to start training for vet Trials & Morrowind!;list=PLohURdukR-lsOB69iCgdWbzkC_RSpNO9L&amp;index=1

    Here are some pictures from April!
    Edited by EarthenPillar on April 24, 2017 12:45AM
  • XrT00
    Soul Shriven
    yo, Indonesian player
    good to see fellow SEA playing this game
  • Lorkhai
    Greetings. I'm Malaysian. Have been playing on and off on PS4 since console launch and have tanks, healers and DPS currently at CP 575 that have run vet dungeons and most trials.

    Recently got ESO Gold on PC Steam sale for added flavour and to see what I've been missing out on in terms of add-ons. Would love to join and meet like-minded players. Still gradually leveling on PC though :smiley:@Lorkhai
    Edited by Lorkhai on April 24, 2017 6:19PM
  • EarthenPillar
    Invites sent out!
    Asian Lag is real this week~
  • drimezan
    Soul Shriven
    hello! really new in the game and I came from Asia too

    I'm very much interested in joining the guild @drimezan :smiley:
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