[Proposal/Poll] French maid outfit to be Added to the Crown store or in game as a extra costume.

So I was kind of surprised when I noticed this wasn't a thing and I can understand a bit why it wouldn't be something free. So Here we go.

I got a Argonian NB in game that I was trying to allure to the whole The Lusty Argonian maid with. Made purely as a joke for fun as that's what these games are for I thought why not made her and have since her creation perpetually (unless forced) had her wear servants clothes Costume. Preferably I would like her to have a maid outfit on instead but beggars cant be choosers right? So here's my Proposal for a future addition because I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

One could add a French maid uniform to the Crown store as a new costume therefore increasing revenue for those wanting to have it. Even if its locked behind 1,500 Crowns (I believe the most expensive single item Costume in the store currently) It would be worth it to people like me to scrounge up the pennies and buy it for those few scant characters I would want to use it on.

Now if French maid is too non kid friendly then one could always just do the normal maid outfit. Just so long as there is something akin to a maid outfit in game.

Possible Inspiration for a French maid outfit.

For those that don't like looking at le Lizards

Though if those are too risque there's also this for a option

Now hopefully this gets some views and the people at ZOE can make it happen but I don't see a problem with either picture to be perfectly honest o being out of the PG13 Realm. None of them show off too much and Outside of possible in-game conversations people end up having (Which would be handled through the in game report system already if gotten out of hand.) I can see this only as a benefit for the people of the company as a source of even more revenue.

Thanks for Taking the time to Read this and Let me know what you think Yay or nay o:)

Edited by Oyaban_Kyuubi on January 19, 2017 11:23PM
Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

[Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
[Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
[Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
[Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

Bank size: 110 *full*
Guild bank Size: 500

[Proposal/Poll] French maid outfit to be Added to the Crown store or in game as a extra costume. 138 votes

Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
Gilvothvailjohn_ESOLawfulEvilFutrixSporvanIdinuseDedricusRajajshkaEmenciemitebaTheShadowScoutEasily_LostTheAshenWrathLuminaLillyHoundofTaraSpiritedBlaizeAlessondriaForsakenSinUphzSchizoid-man 33 votes
Yes please But please make it obtainable in game as well.
Jennifur_VulteeMythicEmperorrosicruxJah_Shakadaggerfalling 5 votes
Eh I dont mind it Do as you will.
AvidsparkNewBlacksmurfMercutioheledironmertustaOurorborosLegolessNolaArchAetherderiusbareheinystrikeback1247CadburyBananaCroniccrabRohamad_AliMarqueFerrumnCutemNecosileoMorgul667Kodrac 22 votes
Ew maids No thanks for me but Im not against it in game.
laurajfDeadlyRecluseKharnissouravamiTasearStania 6 votes
BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
SirAndynexxus_ESOLrdRahvinGreevirDarcyMardinSvenjaYulsIruil_ESOTurelusixieAlienSlofkwisatzkenneth.friisb16_ESOKazyaanitajoneb17_ESOAbeilleUntrustedExistenzSheezabeastRev Rielleadriant1978 72 votes
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    So Seeing as we already have some votes going on the poll :D Thanks guys even those that are vehemently against the idea

    What are your guys thoughts on your choices. Any possible reasons as to why ya or nay?
    Edited by Oyaban_Kyuubi on January 19, 2017 11:47PM
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Abeille
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    Despite the fanart/mods you might have seen that depicts French Maid outfits in the TES universe, a maid in TES would actually wear a modest, regular dress.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    Abeille wrote: »
    Despite the fanart/mods you might have seen that depicts French Maid outfits in the TES universe, a maid in TES would actually wear a modest, regular dress.

    Id be fine with a regular dress that had the Maid feel to it too tbh. Right now what I see in the shop though is more Dresses for Royalty or weddings or the Fancy Fru fru Elites of society.
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Kram8ion
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    Moved to ERPing wish listing
    Aussie lag is real!
  • Abeille
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*

    Id be fine with a regular dress that had the Maid feel to it too tbh. Right now what I see in the shop though is more Dresses for Royalty or weddings or the Fancy Fru fru Elites of society.

    For simple dresses, you could look into the pieces of clothing you can steal. However, they have no stats and they are equipped on the armor slots, so they are just for when you are role playing or hanging out in town doing nothing.

    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    Abeille wrote: »

    For simple dresses, you could look into the pieces of clothing you can steal. However, they have no stats and they are equipped on the armor slots, so they are just for when you are role playing or hanging out in town doing nothing.


    Definite possibility For sure Sadly though this would be something Id prefer to be a costume so I can wear it reguardless of where I am. Like currently I'm roaming around the wild in Servants Clothing costume you get from Stros M'kai with Heavy Armor hidden away underneath it so I can roam around the world as but a mere servant.

    :smiley: Thanks for the idea though its always nice to learn about new things.
    Kram8ion wrote: »
    Moved to ERPing wish listing

    :open_mouth: Le gaspeh you mean that's actually a thing? How could i have ever missed it. #sarcasm

    Thanks for the reply but I don't ERP and if I wanted to it wouldn't be in a game like ESO lol there's plenty of other forums and places to go for that that this isn't needed. This is more to complete the look of the joke character I made Whom isn't even one that you would probably want to ERP with (Height slider to max pretty Muscly and built and more of a fierce looking face does not a sexy maid make)
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • bebynnag
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    the argonian in the story is not a maid as in a cleaner. she is a maid as in an unmarried female! as in olde english for spinster (although probably not an innocent/virtuaous one)
    Edited by bebynnag on January 20, 2017 12:23AM
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    the argonian in the story is not a maid as in a cleaner. she is a maid as in an unmarried female! as in olde english for spinster (although probably not an innocent/virtuaous one)

    Oh Really? I thought she was a Servant to the main Protagonist of the story.

    Thanks for replying! *learning new things today*
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Abeille
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    the argonian in the story is not a maid as in a cleaner. she is a maid as in an unmarried female! as in olde english for spinster (although probably not an innocent/virtuaous one)

    Really? I always thought she was a servant, and the innuendos were playing with a servant's actual duties (cleaning, cooking).

    The more you know...
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • bebynnag
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    Abeille wrote: »

    Really? I always thought she was a servant, and the innuendos were playing with a servant's actual duties (cleaning, cooking).

    The more you know...

    I remember reading the it back in morrowind, and i never saw her as a maid as in cleaner! and certainly never as a french maid

    I dont know maybe im wrong
    maybe its because i have spent a large chunk of my life studying/performing shakespear that in my mind when a female character refers to herself as a maid, it's shorthand for innocent, virtuous, unmarried & unsullied!

  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    So it looks like we have some more Poll votes. What about you guys views on the proposal? Why did you choose what you chose?
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • menedhyn
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    I think @puffytheslayer is right on this one in that she is or was an unmarried female, perhaps young of age and clearly naive. That said, the books do suggest at a role of service as Lifts-Her-Tail is speaking to her present Master whilst referring to the Mistress.

    I'm not a fan of the maid outfit as depicted as I think it is too much of a parody. That said, I would love to see more lower level clothing or costumes, particularly those suited to a function.
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Druachan
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    you couldn't just have gone for some kind of simple costume?
    Say please, before you AAAAAaaaarrrgghhh at me.
  • Mercutio
    Eh I dont mind it Do as you will.
    Not for me, but sure, why not?
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    menedhyn wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of the maid outfit as depicted as I think it is too much of a parody. That said, I would love to see more lower level clothing or costumes, particularly those suited to a function.

    Thanks for replying. What do you think the costume should look like then? Im open to other Ideas I just Grabbed what I could find off of a quick google search for ideas.

    Druachan wrote: »
    you couldn't just have gone for some kind of simple costume?

    What kind of costume would you have preferred can you give an example?
    Mercutio wrote: »
    Not for me, but sure, why not?

    Thanks for replying :smiley:
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • SydneyGrey
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    My issue with it is that the servants in the game don't wear modern French maid costumes, so it would look out-of-place. It's like if someone wanted a costume for ESO that consisted of jeans and a t-shirt, or a costume that looked like modern club wear.
  • Banana
    Eh I dont mind it Do as you will.
  • menedhyn
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    Thanks for replying. What do you think the costume should look like then? Im open to other Ideas I just Grabbed what I could find off of a quick google search for ideas.
    That's fair enough. There are a couple of options that could work, and in fact making use of the existing in-game looted clothing isn't a bad place to start - just as @Abeille has suggested. Most of it has a simple and practical appearance, and with a bit of dyeing can be made to look quite neutral if you so choose. This is an image of one of my older characters, but I still really like the look;


    Some of the lower or middle clothing items in ES: IV would also fit the bill, and of course they are considered lore-appropriate even though the events of ESO occur much, much earlier.

    I really miss the variety of clothing we had in Oblivion...
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Wow
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    Good morning people. The Light shines on a new day and I'm still curious about the reasons behind the others that have voted but haven't posted reasons to their votes :smiley:
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • TheShadowScout
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    ...yes! Yes!! YES!!!

    Come on ZOS, take my...

    This outfit is a well established part of Tamriel culture! We need it in game!
  • Druachan
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*

    Thanks for replying. What do you think the costume should look like then? Im open to other Ideas I just Grabbed what I could find off of a quick google search for ideas.

    What kind of costume would you have preferred can you give an example?

    Thanks for replying :smiley:

    Any of the common civilian everyday outfits found in something like skyrim would be perfectly fine. Any of the fine clothes would work just as well.

    Say please, before you AAAAAaaaarrrgghhh at me.
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    ...yes! Yes!! YES!!!

    Come on ZOS, take my...

    This outfit is a well established part of Tamriel culture! We need it in game!

    Woot another for the Maids of the world!
    Druachan wrote: »

    Any of the common civilian everyday outfits found in something like skyrim would be perfectly fine. Any of the fine clothes would work just as well.

    I can kind of agree with that but Id like it to have somewhat of a Maid allure to it even slightly. Just a normal dress or something like that probably wouldn't cut it or the current Dresses in the shop would be fine. I just don't see anything in game currently that screams maid as a costume
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Cadbury
    Eh I dont mind it Do as you will.
    Wow wrote: »

    "It..it's not like I wanna polish your spear....BAKA!!"
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Druachan
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*

    Woot another for the Maids of the world!

    I can kind of agree with that but Id like it to have somewhat of a Maid allure to it even slightly. Just a normal dress or something like that probably wouldn't cut it or the current Dresses in the shop would be fine. I just don't see anything in game currently that screams maid as a costume

    Maybe this isn't the game to fulfil that particular fantasy of yours.
    Say please, before you AAAAAaaaarrrgghhh at me.
  • MarkusLiberty
    BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! *runs off screaming into the night*
    purely as a joke for fun as that's what these games are for
    Jokes and fun doesn't justify being unfaithful to the established art style, and belive me, Zenimax takes their art style very seriously.

    In my opinion, the lack of these type of costumes is part of what makes ESO stand out in the otherwise sexualised MMO genre. I dont mind a few outfits that are showing skin, but it needs to look like it's part of the world and the cultures of Tamriel.
    That particular maid outfit doesn't seem to fit the setting at all.

    Edited by MarkusLiberty on January 23, 2017 12:53PM
    *Special Snowflake*

  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    Jokes and fun doesn't justify being unfaithful to the established art style, and belive me, Zenimax takes their art style very seriously.

    In my opinion, the lack of these type of costumes is part of what makes ESO stand out in the otherwise sexualised MMO genre. I dont mind a few outfits that are showing skin, but it needs to look like it's part of the world and the cultures of Tamriel.
    That particular maid outfit doesn't seem to fit the setting at all.

    While the French maid outfit might not be specifically what would fit I have asked multiple people for their ideas now on a suitable substitute.

    So I'm asking you now. What do you think would be a good Maid-esque outfit that would still fall in line with The Elder scrolls that could be added. The current Costume list both in game and in the crown store doesn't have a lot of options. The Dresses in it are too High end to be mere servants clothes. And the Servants clothing Costume is pants and a rag shirt Which isn't very Feminine.
    Proud Co-Leader to The EmeraldMoon Guild. A Familial based Guild open for those who want to enjoy the game and get help where able. Pm Me in game to join today.

    My Current list of Characters Their levels, Race and inventory capacity.

    [Main/Crafter] Shizu Crystal/Khajiit/Sorcerer (daedric summoner)/20/110 *locked due to researching traits causing bank and inventory to be full*
    [Primary Thief] Shizu Noodle ii/Khajiit/Werewolf/Nightblade/12/60
    [Secondary Main/Tank Test] Liftz-Hir-Tail/Argonian/Vampire/Nightblade/35/60 *locked due to Crafter being locked for researching and reaching limit of crafted gear at this time*
    [Trial tank] Liftz-Hir-Tail ii/Argonian/DragonKnight/4/60

    Bank size: 110 *full*
    Guild bank Size: 500
  • Siluen
    Yes, but it has to be exclusive to Argonians.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    I'd like some sort of maid outfit, but idk if the classic french maid outfit would fit the lore. they could do something that fits TES lore and I'd buy it. a nod to the LAM would be nice since those books are pretty popular and cute imo

    edit- lore friendly alternatives
    Skyrim has a couple of tavern outfits which style could work with some changes maybe:

    Oblivion has a lot of fancy clothes but iirc all the servant clothes are just old/tattered looking things that probably aren't appealing enough aesthetically or otherwise

    I honestly don't care if it's sexualized or not, but some people do, and I think there could be a good balance. in the film Curse of the Golden Flower, the royal servants wear outfits like these:

    with other pieces that go over the shoulders. idk about ancient Chinese servant culture but anyway something like that could work
    Edited by emilyhyoyeon on January 26, 2017 4:53AM
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Oyaban_Kyuubi
    Yes Please yes! Take my Money! *throws wallet at*
    Siluen wrote: »
    Yes, but it has to be exclusive to Argonians.

    As much as this would be amusing to see Id rather it be a race wide thing no point singling out just one race when theres people of all races that would probably enjoy this.
    I'd like some sort of maid outfit, but idk if the classic french maid outfit would fit the lore. they could do something that fits TES lore and I'd buy it. a nod to the LAM would be nice since those books are pretty popular and cute imo

    edit- lore friendly alternatives
    Skyrim has a couple of tavern outfits which style could work with some changes maybe:

    Oblivion has a lot of fancy clothes but iirc all the servant clothes are just old/tattered looking things that probably aren't appealing enough aesthetically or otherwise

    I honestly don't care if it's sexualized or not, but some people do, and I think there could be a good balance. in the film Curse of the Golden Flower, the royal servants wear outfits like these:

    with other pieces that go over the shoulders. idk about ancient Chinese servant culture but anyway something like that could work

    Oooh I like the Chinese one very nice but I do think the Skyrim one would fit better with as you said a few tweaks. The Chinese one with all the silks and colors would be a bit too fancy for a servant in the elder scrolls imo. Its a lovely picture though.

    Truthfully old and slightly tattered would probably fit a bit nicer the problem with the current wardrobe in game right now is it is too fancy too well kept. While a Rich owner might occasionally splurge on a uniform most servants would wear what they could get.

    I agree that Sexualized or not really shouldn't be a issue I mean there's a outfit in game right now that they have in the shop the climbing outfit that i wear on a few of my Kitties and someone remarked that I looked like a stripper. So sexualized isn't something that is a issue from what i see if the case warrants it.

    Thanks for the replies both of you :3
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