For example, I have one Master Crafter that does all six professions, but I want to level some of those skill lines on other alts. I know that deconstructing gear made by another player yields additional EXP, but does deconstructing from a different character of your own result in additional crafting exp?
Thanks for the replies guys! I wanted to make several Master crafters for the upcoming master writs. Thanks again!
Bel_Shezzar wrote: »They’re measured individually, so from the example your investment in Provisioning would affect your odds of getting a Provisioning master writ and no other types.
Also, as we’ve seen a lot of collective concern regarding the impact of motif knowledge on your odds of receiving the (very valuable) Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Clothier Master Writs, we’d like to reiterate that motif knowledge is only one component. That knowledge shouldn’t make, or break, your chances of receiving Master Writs on its own, but it does significantly influence those chances.