So I'll start from thing like "Naval Mission for guilds " where guild buy warship and either can go on dungeon stop PVE +PVP where they fight on the sea - boarding party using cannons bows catapults to attack enemy warship or attack on their harbour .
There I had another idea for guild "instance" where when u enter your dress up as soldier from your alliance (depends which class) and weapon - Cavalry and foot army fight with other alliance ! Where you have generated skills like for bow you don't have bow skill line but something like fire arrow , rain of arrows when u stand next to two allies u could trigger that rain of arrow for 3 of you , etc , sword and shield also would get some generated shield and sword skills or 2handed or dual.
Also aedra and deadra shrines that for example give you 5 for example daily quests ( you could do all) but you can pick for week one of Gods to be granted 2 buffs and 1 debuff (if u do all quests from deadra they take off this debuff for all day) aedra one but good buff more like ur spells always slow down for 2-3 sex -80% , slow down enemy regeneration and or your is boosted , some plus to health or magicka , zenitar plus to crafting and minus day or two or 5 for research (and quest granting mats and rarely pages only once you miss ) .
All scattered all across Tamriel , and or also maybe if you do monthly long quest chain you could get 10 attribute points once a month only , but special once that give you 15% more HP mag or Stam ,
And finely
More new classes ?
I dream about the they we can play as class archmage who can use loads of tones of magick spells like mages in guild or shalidor , Who can open portals (quicker loading screen too) who can cast protective barrier spell to allow allies hide inside from attack , to throw fire balls or fire / electric beam / ice spears , ice or storm thunder ,
Dovakin imwith its thum,
Necromancer ( special class - DLC- where you start as help for mannimarco and in the end you help lyris escape and ur imprisoned too ! But before that you do a few quests before lvl 10 for example )
Battle Mage with sword and staff or shield and staff as defender Mage,
vindhusk warden
Some good physical dmg like monk/ bard(bars as also someone who enchanting people in dung and PVP with his songs like adding boost hp/mag/stam regeneration or defence or crit for xx time) dps for fists or "claws" weapons
Maybe some class like proper assassin but stamina ( not like nb) Scout or Elite Archer .
I know most of it it's not possible but I would like to hear what people would think of that

I just share my opinion what could Zeni/Bethesda add to make game even fancier !

P.S building your guild castle / or Keep?