I know it sucks that the servers are down, but please stop posting depraved things like this
You know what, there is a door you can easily walk out of the same way you entered. Please feel free to exercise your right to do so if you don't like my posts.
Bouldercleave wrote: »I honestly have no interest in being a slave owner or a pimp. In game or IRL. W T F
It would be a great way to supplement your in-game currency especially if your guild loses its vendor. Just trying to add more options to the economy.
Bouldercleave wrote: »
I have no problem with my in game currency as it is VERY easy to obtain as it is. This idea is frankly a tad sick.
I really don't see how this is sick. War is War, and sometimes prisoners are used for various forms of manual labor. Brothels are completely legitimate especially if you have the license for them. Considering this is a make believe game, I'm pretty sure a license is not needed for the latter.
its not like the OP was suggesting a basement filled with mattress now...
Stovahkiin wrote: »*wonders if everyone else realizes that this is a troll post*
Trollz live under bridges, they don't run brothels
unhander_2 wrote: »@Krossus Wow yet another one of your weird requests again to troll and entertain usAre you by any chance a psycho psychologist?
While it is entertaining to see your posts and the reaction of the community (including my own on at least two occasions), I am beginning to wonder if your posts are some type of social experiments. Maybe even research for for a psycho thesis.
I wonder because you have never been hit by the ban hammer here, taking into consideration the inappropriate nature of the content you publish.
Or maybe you're a troll who likes to take people out of their comfort zone and listen to them cry.
A person reading your post for the first time would imagine you to be some sort of depraved monster serial psycho type.
Enlighten us and tell us which of the cases more accurately describe your intention for your posts.
Why would they ban me? I have not forced my suggestions upon anyone or belittled any for their subjective opinions. I merely pose a series of questions and see what the response would be. I am neither depraved, insane, or psychotic. I am a forum member and enjoy the social banter with fellow members, even with those that disagree with my ideas.
Considering this is just a fantasy forum, should I not expand the horizon of suggesting alternative theories or ideas within the realm of creativity? If I do offend anyone, this is not my intent and I apologize, however you do consciously have the choice of taking note of my username and not opening any of my threads, thus preventing any further anguish. On the other hand, if you'd like to participate in any of my polls or questions, feel free to drop a line or two explaining why or why not. I believe we all can behave in a civilized manner and be productive in our responses or feelings.