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Leveling gear?

Several of the guides talk about using 'leveling gear'. Is this crafted gear with the 'Training' trait on every piece?

It seems like the items people recommend are hard to get on your first character - green or blue quality training, purple food, glyph, etc. Is this all meant for leveling your send character?

If so, can a broke newbie get glyph, training gear, or food anywhere other then leveling the professions? Skill points at low levels are kinda rare.

Thanks for any advice.
  • davey1107
    When people say "leveling gear," they mean some basic gear that will level you faster while also giving you set pieces that will make you stronger. My basic formula for my "leveling gear":

    - a set of lvl 6, lvl 20, lvl 30 and lvl 40 gear. With one Tamriel, you'll get squishier the more you outlevel your gear, so this is how often I replace it.

    - At least green quality on all, and I make the 40s blue. The mats are pretty cheap in guild stores...this green armor should cost you like 150 gold per item for the materials.

    - the armor weight should be 5/1/1, meaning wear 5 medium if you're stamina and 5 light if you're magic, then one each of the other weights. You want to level all three armor lines so you can switch things around if you need t when you're a vet.

    - everything, incl weapons, should be training trait. I personally make my weapons Blue starting at lvl 20, so the lines go up faster.

    - you want complete sets so that you're more powerful. Don't overthink it. If youre a stamina character, wear five Hundings Rage and the rest Night Mothers. If you're magic, wear five Julianos and five seducer. Five trait sets are massively powerful. Newbies often don't realize how much, and break sets because they find like a purple junk piece that seems better because it has a higher armor rating. Just wear the sets.

    - dolmens are good xp, and now they drop set jewelry. Getting a matching set that works with your character is a good idea...it will make them a lot more powerful. Just run dolmens in the same zone for an hour and you'll get a matching set.

    - enchant your gear with half health and half stam or magic. Green enchants are fine...in fact, at low levels white is fine. You can buy the potency runes now for like 50 gold...so you should be able to craft your own glyphs.

    - if you need help crafting the leveling gear, collect the mats then go to the station for the set you want and put out a polite zone request for crafting. Take something to give as a tip. If you join some guilds, in the roster your guildies will advertise if they help with crafting.

    - you don't need expensive food. There is blue food that boosts two resources...this is fine. If you're stam, pick the health and stam one, health and magic for a mag toon. Search in guild stores for lvl 1 food. There is a line of food called Orzagas that is specifically designed for leveling (you can use it no matter your level, and the buffs scale). If you want to make this food yourself, you earn these recipes as quest rewards for Orzaga's quest line in Wrothgar. They are very basic quests that can be completed by characters of any level.

  • mashugana
    Thank you! A few follow up questions (if you do not mind):
    • This is my first character so I have no 'main' to feed me gear and food. I looked at Green quality training gear on guild vendors and they cost at least 400g per item. That's steep for a level 22 :)

      So I assume this means I should level Tailor, Blacksmith, Provisioning, and Woodworking so I can create my own gear as I level? This seems a little hard since Skill Points feel kind of rare below level 30.
    • To put training on every item I first need to research training on everything - that seems like a lot of luck and time or spending cash in Guild stores, yes?
    • Upgrading item to Green and adding Training requires mats I don't have - I assume I buy them in Guild stores?

    It feels like this approach would work really well if this was my second character. I think making a full set of green training gear at level 6 and 20 would be really hard.

    Maybe I am not understanding and there are ways to get mats that I do not know about. In any event I really appreciate the detailed advice - if it does not help this character it definitely helps me understand ESO better.

    Thank you :)
  • Lashiing
    join a guild or ask in rawl
    people will make you a full set of training gear
    guilds will give you free lvl 1 purple food

    be prepared to farm raw mats at your level cuz not many people keep low level mats
    PC/NA ― Dancing Jesters

    AD – Khajiit Nightblade – Dps – lucif'r
    AD – Altmer Sorcerer – Dps – Trove Scamp
    AD – Dunmer Dragonknight – Dps – Lashiing
    AD – Altmer Templar – Dps – Six-teen
    DC – Redguard Sorcerer – Dps – Cunnїng Scamp

    vMA • vDSA • vAA HM • vHRC HM • vSO HM • vMoL
  • mashugana
    Thank you
  • davey1107

    You should write your platform and server (i.e., PS4 NA) into each post. People will assist with stuff if they see you're on their platform. You could put that into a footer w your character level info too, which would be helpful. Like if I see someone on my server say they can't find training traits to research, I might just shoot them an email with a bunch. But Some answers to your questions:

    - your first toon is the hardest. You're right...gold rewards are lower, you don't get quality drops as often and it takes time to accumulate anything. A big part of the game is collecting the stuff you need. I would not buy training gear...I would go find the mats from guild stores and ask someone to craft it for me.

    - the craft lines have "hirelings," which give you an email with 2-5 mats each time you log in, every 12 or 24 hours. Don't underestimate the power of free stuff.

    - it will always be cheaper to craft your own gear. You don't have to spend points at first. Just decon junk items to level these lines. Go ahead and spend points as you have them in hirelings and extraction. Don't refine materials until you have points in extraction...otherwise you'll miss opportunities to extract $15k gold mats. Do writs when you can.

    But if you're looking down the road at being a crafter, some planning is in order. 1. Decide if you want this toon to be a crafter, or a secondary toon. The big question is whether you want to work to get the 100ish skill points necessary to craft on your main. I like having wood, smith and cloth on my main...it saves time and energy. Some players don't. 2. When you pick a crafter, start researching traits asap. At first just research what you can, then work toward 6 traits known per item. You can craft really good sets with 6 traits...then from there you can decide if you want to spend the 6 months to go to 9.

    And no, skill points aren't rare, lol. With One Tam the whole map is open to you. Get your newbie butt in gear and get some sky shards. There are over 125 shard skill points out there. And 18 public dungeon group event skill points.

    - to get traits for research, join a guild or use zone chat to ask for help. A lot of seasoned players have hordes of mats we consider garbage. I don't list trait stones in my stores because...ugh...what a pain. But if someone put out a chat asking for training traits and maybe offering to give me a few Hemings or something in trade, I'd craft it for them. BE SOCIAL. People love helping in ESO, and you can either ask for help or spend 200 hours farming...your choice.

    - yep...there's a lot of shopping in guild stores. Or farming. That's the game. If you need Hemings, you can buy them in stores right now for like $50 each. (A master crafter needs 2 per upgrade). Or you farm them.

    - it's not just your character - your account will get "luckier" as you proceed. Right now if you run a delve I bet you walk with 10-15 white gear items, some junk potions, and probably no glyphs. If I ran that same delve, I'd walk with 10 green items, 5 blue, 2 purple, some glyphs, etc.

    - because of this, some people grind fast to vet, then go back and enjoy the content. This isn't a bad strategy in one Tamriel. If you went and c,osedmevery dolmen and completed every public dungeon, you'd be up at like lvl 40...then it's just a few grinds to vet, and your account will get better drops.
  • mashugana
    Holy cow - thank you for the detai - very helpful.

    I am on PC NA. I'll add that to my sig. Great idea
  • AzuraKin
    mashugana wrote: »
    Several of the guides talk about using 'leveling gear'. Is this crafted gear with the 'Training' trait on every piece?

    It seems like the items people recommend are hard to get on your first character - green or blue quality training, purple food, glyph, etc. Is this all meant for leveling your send character?

    If so, can a broke newbie get glyph, training gear, or food anywhere other then leveling the professions? Skill points at low levels are kinda rare.

    Thanks for any advice.

    meh dont listen anyone else. wear anything you find that useable. gear only helps, its your skills that are most important in lvling.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    AzuraKin wrote: »
    mashugana wrote: »
    Several of the guides talk about using 'leveling gear'. Is this crafted gear with the 'Training' trait on every piece?

    It seems like the items people recommend are hard to get on your first character - green or blue quality training, purple food, glyph, etc. Is this all meant for leveling your send character?

    If so, can a broke newbie get glyph, training gear, or food anywhere other then leveling the professions? Skill points at low levels are kinda rare.

    Thanks for any advice.

    meh dont listen anyone else. wear anything you find that useable. gear only helps, its your skills that are most important in lvling.

    And with training gear he will be able to level up those skills quicker , I have a Stamima and magkia set of purple 140 gear that I use to level up my class and skill lines on my new toons
  • Nestor
    mashugana wrote: »
    Thank you! A few follow up questions (if you do not mind):
    • This is my first character so I have no 'main' to feed me gear and food. I looked at Green quality training gear on guild vendors and they cost at least 400g per item. That's steep for a level 22 :)

      So I assume this means I should level Tailor, Blacksmith, Provisioning, and Woodworking so I can create my own gear as I level? This seems a little hard since Skill Points feel kind of rare below level 30.

    One thing to remember, a lot of guides are written with idea to maximize production to the Nth Degree, which can make sense when your leveling your 8th character. But it can really suck the fun out of the game on your first character worrying about it.

    Here is a better approach:

    The beauty of the game now is each zone drops a Magic Set, a Stamina Set and a Health (Tanky) Set. You can do the content in the zone and get the gear you need with some nice bonuses to help your characters. It drops in at least Green and Blue is common once you get around the 30;s. A lot of times it drops in the Training trait, but you really don't need to have every single item in Training. Just prefer it as a trait, but wear what you get. When you are done in that zone move on to the next and start replacing the gear with the stuff from that zone. You can usually go about 10 levels over the gear before it starts to get noticeable as needing to be replaced. If you get something that is higher level than your wearing, just swap it out as you go along. Again, don't worry about the traits while leveling. The game is buffing you anyway.

    As for leveling crafting, you should do that, but don't be in a hurry to invest all the skill points you need for it. You need those points for combat and defense. Just decon all the loot you have left over after selling to cover any repairs you do. Research Traits on items you think you are going to use. Then do the other traits later on.

    Let me give you an example of what I did with my last two leveling characters.

    1. I collected all the Skyshards in the zone. I avoided any and all quests other than those that show up in the delves that have skyshards.
    2. I would farm the dolmens a few times to get set jewelry that helped my character
    3. I would do the Public Dungeons including all the bosses
    4. Then I would move to the next zone.

    In doing this, I could fully gear up my character with level appropriate stuff, and it was helpful gear. May not have been the best, but you don't need the best while leveling. Then, I had all the content quests left for me once I reached CP160 as those can give you sweet Set Drops in good traits you want. And, Quest Experience is huge for gaining CPs once your past CP160. Kind of a waste before that.

    Edited by Nestor on January 24, 2017 5:15PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Sell the white stuff you pick up Decon the rest that way you start to stash a few Tempers
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