1) Desto Pulsar ability: "Reduces enemy's Max Health by 10% for 33 seconds"
2) Storm Calling Mage's Fury and morphs: "If target enemy’s Health falls below 20% within 4 seconds, an explosion deals an additional [y] Shock Damage"
Doesn't it postpone the moment to execute an enemy affected by Pulsar?
Like 100K Max HP enemy can be executed as soon as its HP falls to 20K, but after Pulsar its Max HP is 90K and it can only be executed not earlier than 18K HP.
For like 500K HP the gap is even greater: no Pulsar - feel free to execute since 100K, Pulsar - execute since 90K.
And so on.
Edited by DorianDragonRaze on January 18, 2017 6:43PM I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got the ESO on my hard drive...