Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I've encountered 3 such guilds on PS4 and all with their weekly demanding messages. However, 3/3 of those guilds are always more or less in one of the 4 busiest trading hubs. (Mournhold, Elden Root, that one in Reapers March and Wayrest). I got kicked from one as I refused to put any gold into the bank because they were very arrogant the way they went about threatening people with removal. In fact, that very guild advertises for members on this very site and makes zero mention that a 5k donation is compulsory. The other two, I'm still with because they don't go around threatening people on a daily basis with removal and making thinly veiled derogatory comments at those who don't cough up. I pay into them weekly because i want to, not because I'm threatened to do so (although they do remove non contributors)
The way i see it, they're doing us a favour and on this I can only speak on behalf of myself, but I need them more than they need me as they allow me to shift high amounts of items without me having to spam text chat in the hope someone wants to barter. In other words, they take all the ballache out of selling. The least i can do is support them.
Edit: I'm also assuming obtaining very good traders on a regular basis is more expensive on consoles due to everything else being more expensive on consoles.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I've encountered 3 such guilds on PS4 and all with their weekly demanding messages. However, 3/3 of those guilds are always more or less in one of the 4 busiest trading hubs. (Mournhold, Elden Root, that one in Reapers March and Wayrest). I got kicked from one as I refused to put any gold into the bank because they were very arrogant the way they went about threatening people with removal. In fact, that very guild advertises for members on this very site and makes zero mention that a 5k donation is compulsory. The other two, I'm still with because they don't go around threatening people on a daily basis with removal and making thinly veiled derogatory comments at those who don't cough up. I pay into them weekly because i want to, not because I'm threatened to do so (although they do remove non contributors)
The way i see it, they're doing us a favour and on this I can only speak on behalf of myself, but I need them more than they need me as they allow me to shift high amounts of items without me having to spam text chat in the hope someone wants to barter. In other words, they take all the ballache out of selling. The least i can do is support them.
Edit: I'm also assuming obtaining very good traders on a regular basis is more expensive on consoles due to everything else being more expensive on consoles.
The guilds that do charge 5 - 10k a week do so because they often control the choicest prime traders in high traffic areas like Wayrest, Rawl'kha, Elden Root, etc. And yeah, it's like 3 to 4 different guilds whos names you'll come across if you looking into the PS4 trader scene.
Turkeysammich wrote: »4 I've joined, didn't have a trader at all, and demanded the 5k fee, and didn't allow new members to sell at all, so I assume they were trying to con people. On PC 5k was for the good trade guilds, yet 5k seems to be the average of any that I have joined. After quitting those I joined one after the other all basically the same, the ONE guild that was worth anything, kicked me because I went on Christmas vacation, even after I gave them notice, AND donated 2k when I didn't have to. So no, my opinion on the PS4 trade community isn't very good, it looks like most others feel that way too, with all the spam of people just listing items for sell in chat all day.
Tan9oSuccka wrote: »5K does stink, but it gets worse. Most prime guilds are at 10K in weekly dues.
You should see some of the bank deposit history for some guilds. Interesting, one guy depositing 1, 500 fortified nirncrux etc. Pretty shady stuff going on if you look at the ledger.
Such a broken system. Guilds in cahoots with each other, botting, pricing others out etc.
FloppyTouch wrote: »Great thing about guild traders on console is you need them anymore I can make plenty of gold selling stuff in zone chat and starting bid wars to up the price a little. I'm in 2 guild traders that have spots in prime areas and it's nice and all but I don't pay dues.
Turkeysammich wrote: »I've played on PC for a while, and made the switch to PS4, and trade guilds there are freaking expensive, I don't buy gold, I can't afford that crap. 5k a week in dues, with or without a trader, I'd have to stop playing the story and stick strictly to trying to make gold, , and most of the time they don't even try to get a trader. On PC the basic trade guild is 2k dues, with a trader, sell 2k worth of stuff, or buy lottery tickets, and they didn't try to con you, there's none of that on PS4 that I've noticed, and when I see a trade guild message, I jump at the chance hoping that it's not a con.The trade guilds work on PC, but the PS4 community isn't mature enough to handle it. We need an Auction House, or at least 3 different traders, one in each faction's starting area, that allows anyone to post items for sell, at least until they can afford the weekly fees of a real trade guild.
Turkeysammich wrote: »Forgot to mention, on PS4 they don't allow new members to post in the guild store, unless you pay the 5k fee, I've been in a ton of trade guilds on PC, never once were new members restricted.
I make more gold using zone text chat now than when I was in a trading guild. No fees, quick sales and then back to the game.
SourishWhale wrote: »That's not true at all. There are plenty of free trading guilds on PS4 NA.
Mentioning that we're too immature to have guild traders because you're unable to find one gave me a good chuckle, though. So thanks for that