Hi Devs,
Please add. I'm sure you've heard this enough times from the players but really, please add? Motifs are great, but when you get something like the 2 piece monster helm, you can't really "apply" a motif to that.
Thank you!
EDIT: I figured I'd put this here to maybe allow the community to come up with great suggestions considering ZOS and the current player base:
OK OK. I know I started this thread and people want to be able to easily transmog their gear. But if we want some type of system to be at least be considered, maybe we have to look at it at the dev's viewpoint in terms of their "financial" gain and the current players' knowledge base, meaning, what motifs have they bought.
Consider the following:
1. A system that will still continue to allow ZOS to sell motifs via the crown store
2. A system that will not "outdate" or waste motifs players have already bought
The only way I thought of this is what I mentioned above is to allow your crafters (blacksmiths, tailors, wood workers) to have a new level or morph to be able to:
a) "Reforge" the current item via a "trade" like UI at the cost of mats, gold, etc. from the person requesting for the change
b) Create a one time use scroll where the crafters themselves are using their own mats and be able to sell it via chat or Guild Trader
It seems like a bigger thing to change in the game but it answers the basic issues from the developer and the customers' point of view. This way, players will be enticed to buy the motifs to make in game money and still build using their known motifs while ZOS still makes money.
EDIT: Because someone mentioned this and they're right:
I should've made my self clearer. Only crafted items and items that are part of the known motifs should have the ability to be reforged/retailored/recarved.
Uniquely skinned items like the monster helm sets should always be unique. After all, it is a "trophy" and you should be able to flaunt it.
Edited by Toolzy on January 18, 2017 6:09PM Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
- Raevenhart (DK Nord Tank)