Ti_Englesmythe wrote: »I hated it for PvE. That's all I play and can't stand it. I'm going to try it again; I haven't actually played it since end of October, and very little in December.
So I have been gone from the game for over 33month I got frustrated with all the bugs. So I wanted to give this game a try again so what did I miss? Also what should I do or get XD
Eh, I don't think ESO will ever be a "true elder scrolls game." I've been a TES fan for 13 years and have to strongly disagree. It's the only MMO I can stomach past level 20 but honestly a watered down version of TES crammed into a hugely downscaled Tamriel. Not just quantity, quality.
I enjoy ESO but I enjoy it for what it is.
To me the quests are all boring and repetetive. The zones lack any real depth and the characters, save a few, have no real purpose. The mechanics and combat are a step back. It feels like the space between Morrowind and Oblivion. The entire game is werewolves, necromancers, zombies and vampires. Oh, don't forget the insane amount of ghosts. Since when was 20% of Tamriel's population spirits that need help?
The loot is restricted, crafting is weak, areas are bland and lifeless, class customization changes with every update, sorry but magic should feel badass. Lightning bolt AoE should feel like Zeus. Not struggle to do the same damage as a dagger strike.
All in all, I get it. If this is the Tamriel you always imagined, I am so very sorry, you set the bar low, way low. However, in a game this size with this many players, It has to be bland and downsized. All of ESO's Tamriel could fit into Skyrim. Sure, cyrodiil is big, but extremely empty and honestly unrecognizable.
I played for the first month when everything was really buggy and I am just going off of what my mail saidDigitalShibby wrote: »33 months? So you left during beta lol?
BlackSparrow wrote: »Uuuuuh... that's a lot to go over. XD
DLCs like Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood (including a crime and punishment system), class skill revamps, reversion of the story line to begin on starter islands, One Tamriel, dozens of added gear sets, Crown Crates, upcoming housing...
Really, you're best off just creating a new character and starting over. A lot of the broad strokes are the same, but details have fluctuated wildly.
(And there are still occasionally bugs. But yeah, it's waaaay better in that department than it was at launch.)
If you are into PvE, it's a great patch.
If you are into PvP, you might as well just wait for the
next patch.
hmsdragonfly wrote: »So I have been gone from the game for over 33month I got frustrated with all the bugs. So I wanted to give this game a try again so what did I miss? Also what should I do or get XD
Well, to answer your question, do you like Oblivion and Skyrim? Did you leave the game because it was just a generic MMO, not a true Elder Scrolls game? If it's the case, then you should be happy, ESO at the current state is a true Elder Scrolls game.
If not, oh well, you have to be more specific about what you like. The best way is to download it and try for your own. You don't have to pay anyway.
hmsdragonfly wrote: »Eh, I don't think ESO will ever be a "true elder scrolls game." I've been a TES fan for 13 years and have to strongly disagree. It's the only MMO I can stomach past level 20 but honestly a watered down version of TES crammed into a hugely downscaled Tamriel. Not just quantity, quality.
I enjoy ESO but I enjoy it for what it is.
1) Quest are well written, many are memorable, at least no worse than Skyrim. Orsinium is one of the best questline in the franchise.
2) Everything is fully voice-acted.
3) Freedom like in recent TES games. You can go explore anywhere you want, exploration is great in this game.
4) You can do anything you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. You can save the queen and loot her entire castle, hunt daedra, pickpocket NPCs, go on murdering innocent people and having a bounty of 1 million gold on your head, hop in to Cyrodiil and help the war effort of your alliance etc. So many things for you to do, like in other TES games.
5) Deep customization (no need to explain, right?). You can be anything you want if you don't aim to be competitive in the hardest content.
6) Combat is fun and more skill-based, which is a good improvement. Sure, there are no eight schools of magic, for gameplay balance, but it played out fine.
7) Awesome for roleplaying. You can craft your own story for each of your character. Want to be a Bosmer werewolf hunter who swore to kill every werewolf he may find because his entire village was massacred by werewolves long ago? You can. Want to be a Breton Templar Knight in shinny Heavy Armour who preach about the Eight Divines and s*** all the time? You can.
ESO offers everything Skyrim and Oblivion offer, and even more.
I am willing to know why in your opinion it's not a true Elder Scrolls game.
BlackSparrow wrote: »Uuuuuh... that's a lot to go over. XD
DLCs like Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood (including a crime and punishment system), class skill revamps, reversion of the story line to begin on starter islands, One Tamriel, dozens of added gear sets, Crown Crates, upcoming housing...
Really, you're best off just creating a new character and starting over. A lot of the broad strokes are the same, but details have fluctuated wildly.
(And there are still occasionally bugs. But yeah, it's waaaay better in that department than it was at launch.)
Sound kind of cool with all the new stuff. Should I just get those 2 dlc or should I collect them all XD. But I will take that into consideration. Also will I have to buy the Tamriel Unlimited or will the Imperial Edition be good enough? I have that one right now.
Sound kind of cool with all the new stuff. Should I just get those 2 dlc or should I collect them all XD. But I will take that into consideration. Also will I have to buy the Tamriel Unlimited or will the Imperial Edition be good enough? I have that one right now.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »And so on. You get the idea. The story and play of the game hasnt changed. So if you didnt like it before i dont see why you would like it now. But i guess you already have the game so dip your toe in for free and try it again.
Editz wow i cant speel.