This whole motif thing

So, most of the best sets are drops (aether, VO, Alkosh, Lich, BSW, Maelstrom, VDSA, etc) but ZoS keeps giving us new motifs to farm. This hasn't been much of an issue until these master writs were announced.

I'm a master crafter on 4 of my chars... but only one learns the motifs. The gods of Nirn (Zenimax's RNG malevolence) gave me terrible luck so I rarely get motifs. Like I said, this wasn't much of an issue... previously, I'd either get another master crafter to craft me gear in the styles i don't have or my guild mates would donate spare motifs to me. But now that everybody needs as many motifs on each crafter, this isn't happening, which is fair enough. So that left me with two options... I either farm for motifs more than I already do (I do the crag, wrothgar, hews bane, gold coast, undaunted, mages and fighters guild dailies most days and on muiltiple chars) or just give up and try to buy them. Well, with prices now skyrocketing, I can't afford to buy motifs. So, for the past week, I've been farming motifs. That's pretty much all I've been doing. But then I got thinking... do I need to do this? I have 8 chars... all of them wear at least one full set of dropped gear. Some only wear dropped gear (for eg my healer... SPC + VDSA Resto + Twighlight Rem or Infal Mage). So I don't really need motifs. It's not like we can convert the horrible Spell Power Cure robe style to something better on the eye. So, essentially I'm having to farm motifs just so I have a better chance of getting a master writ. Seems a bit silly to me.

It wouldn't be an annoyance if it weren't for my terrible luck in game. I have spent about 5 hours over the last three days in Razaks Wheel farming dwemer motifs... Because I have terrible luck, I never completed that set. I have had one motif drop in that time (yeah, i'm carefully and meticulously checking every dwemer pot)... and I'd already learned that motif. Now, whilst I'm doing this mind numbingly boring farm, my friends are off killing daedra or Celestial Mages, fighting back the Dominion or Pact invasion and casually questing. I feel like I'm missing out.

I know, I know... it's my choice. I don't have to get the motifs. I can just not do it and join in the fun with my friends. But I'm a completionist. A completionist with terrible luck in Tamriel.

So, what's the point of this post... ZoS, could you not be so cruel on the RNG drop rate for motifs please? You've already limited us to how much crafted sets we can wear. Why make the motifs so hard to get?? Wouldn't a Tamriel filled with an easily obtainable variety of styles be better? I've done the spell scar, hermaeus mora daily and Elinhir dailies on a daily basis with 4 of my chars for a week now. I've had one motif. The Yokudan Staff. I've already got that one. Is this really what you'd have your players doing?

I know I'll get flamed for this post... such is the way of the internet. This post is really a plea to ZoS. I want to fight mages and warriors, maticores and crazy kahjit twins. Not run around for Sara Benele watching her try to rebuild broken bridges :neutral:
  • skiptomyluau
    So many motifs. So useless since nobody wears crafted.
  • Lyserus
    yeah if we have any good craftable set then i will consider finding all those motifs...but most craftable sets are not that good. If those gears can't make it to end game then i don't care how it looks
  • idk
    So many motifs. So useless since nobody wears crafted.

    and so many threads on the subject that do not seem to stay active.

    Honestly, motifs are not useless. There are some very useful crafted sets for end game. Many wear crafted sets regardless. Different strokes for different folks.
  • olsborg
    So many motifs. So useless since nobody wears crafted.


    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Cimadon
    There needs to be balance. Right now, there are a number of crafted sets people use that are good. On top of that, you can't craft jewelry, so alot of people, including myself, use one crafted and one dropped with a monster set aswell.

    Off the top of my head:

    Eternal hunt
    Hist bark
    Twice born star
    Clever alchemist
    ...Probably some more.

    Are used for pve and in PvP.

    How many good dropped sets are there? More than crafted, but that is OK, you need incentive to do dungeons and Trials, if the best gear are crafted, nobody would run alot of the content in the game. Actually, right now, the game has struck a great line between crafted and dropped sets. Maybe introduce some more usable crafted sets in vvardenfell and I'll be happy.
  • idk
    Cimadon wrote: »
    There needs to be balance. Right now, there are a number of crafted sets people use that are good. On top of that, you can't craft jewelry, so alot of people, including myself, use one crafted and one dropped with a monster set aswell.

    Off the top of my head:

    Eternal hunt
    Hist bark
    Twice born star
    Clever alchemist
    ...Probably some more.

    Are used for pve and in PvP.

    How many good dropped sets are there? More than crafted, but that is OK, you need incentive to do dungeons and Trials, if the best gear are crafted, nobody would run alot of the content in the game. Actually, right now, the game has struck a great line between crafted and dropped sets. Maybe introduce some more usable crafted sets in vvardenfell and I'll be happy.

    TBS, NMG and Tava's are popular crafted sets in PvE. Hist Bark, Julianos and Hundings are fine as well. Clever Alchemist has niche uses.
  • Loralai_907
    I figure at some point they will change everything again and at least some crafted sets will become highly desired. Its just what they do. If they didn't change things around all the time people would get bored way faster. Yeah people get mad about having to find new gear all over again, but they do it, they go find that gear. Or they get mad about skills changing or whatever else is changing, but it honestly gives people something to do. Figure out your build all over again. Go find new gear. Its filler material. Just my opinion.

    And that being what I think, I am working on getting all the motif pages I am missing. Plus if I want to do any master writs, the more you know the better.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • davey1107
    Your point is that motif completion is time consuming...and that's totally true, lol. My crafter has 95% of the game's motifs at any given time...he's working on the last two Minotaur pieces, Yokudan, three more Dragr...I think that's about it. Here are some tips that might speed things up for you:

    1. The dwemer drop rate is awful right now. My advice is to run Inner Sea Armature once a day. Or the one in southern Alik'r.

    2. I'm not sure how the determine drop rates, but observationally it seems like the newest, "coolest" motifs drop at lower rates. When Minotaur and Order came out, it was like one every fifteen dailies. Now it's maybe one in five. I might be wrong about the rates getting better as less people are grinding a system, but it sure seems like this is the Case.

    3. Motif farming makes the game a chore if it forces you to play content you don't like. Why play a game that is a boring chore? So my strategy is to play stuff I enjoy that earns high-value rewards that I sell for gold that I use to buy motifs. For example, I'm a nightblade...I have three. And a very sneaky khajit sorc. I really like the thieves guild and dark brotherhood dailies, which reward motifs. I have a ton of fun running these, then I sell off the motifs for cheap(ish) in my trade guild. I get like $20k for them, and I use that to buy the motifs I don't want to play for (yokudan, akaviri...blech.) I also like doing thieves guild repeatables...all of my characters carry these quests and will eventually be like "oh, I'm in Skywatch. I need to pick ten pockets..." The Abahs Watch motifs are still very valuable.

    4. If doing this, remember that prices always fall. I'm not buying Yokudan right now because it's still $70k per chapter. It'll be $20k soon enough, and I'm not in a hurry. I usually focus on wrapping up the next to last DLC's motifs. So I am finishing Dark Brotherhood right now.

  • XDragonDoomX
    olsborg wrote: »
    So many motifs. So useless since nobody wears crafted.


    "Forums are like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea.
    massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
    mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. ”

    (with apologies to Eugene H. Spafford, aka Spaf)

    I have the power to please one person per day. Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow... Tomorrow does not look good either.

    82. Victory laps after killing the dragon with my 1d2 bow is considered in poor taste.
    83. My gnome does not like big butts and he cannot lie.
    84. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying a 220lb pull crossbow.
    85. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying an industrial strength flamethrower.
    86. Not allowed to make a superhero with a 99% chance of dodging even after the -10 penalty for a successful called shot.
    87. There is no such thing as a dwarven katana.
    88. My bard does not get a bonus to perform if she is obviously not wearing anything under her tabard.
    89. The elf's name is not Legolam.
    ** Mr Glenn's Forbidden activities list**

  • Grotleren
    You've already limited us to how much crafted sets we can wear.

    Wait, there's a limit on how much pieces we've crafted ourselves that we can equip???
    PS4 EU Server
  • Ourorboros
    Welcome to the Motif mini-game. It's goal is to waste your time and/or gold for no good purpose.
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • phairdon
    One of my two main characters wears gold crafted gear in Cyrodiil. The other one wears upgraded Thunderbug armor. All other characters wear random stuff picked up while questing. Motif wise, the gold gear is Hallow Jack style.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • AzuraKin
    So, most of the best sets are drops (aether, VO, Alkosh, Lich, BSW, Maelstrom, VDSA, etc) but ZoS keeps giving us new motifs to farm. This hasn't been much of an issue until these master writs were announced.

    I'm a master crafter on 4 of my chars... but only one learns the motifs. The gods of Nirn (Zenimax's RNG malevolence) gave me terrible luck so I rarely get motifs. Like I said, this wasn't much of an issue... previously, I'd either get another master crafter to craft me gear in the styles i don't have or my guild mates would donate spare motifs to me. But now that everybody needs as many motifs on each crafter, this isn't happening, which is fair enough. So that left me with two options... I either farm for motifs more than I already do (I do the crag, wrothgar, hews bane, gold coast, undaunted, mages and fighters guild dailies most days and on muiltiple chars) or just give up and try to buy them. Well, with prices now skyrocketing, I can't afford to buy motifs. So, for the past week, I've been farming motifs. That's pretty much all I've been doing. But then I got thinking... do I need to do this? I have 8 chars... all of them wear at least one full set of dropped gear. Some only wear dropped gear (for eg my healer... SPC + VDSA Resto + Twighlight Rem or Infal Mage). So I don't really need motifs. It's not like we can convert the horrible Spell Power Cure robe style to something better on the eye. So, essentially I'm having to farm motifs just so I have a better chance of getting a master writ. Seems a bit silly to me.

    It wouldn't be an annoyance if it weren't for my terrible luck in game. I have spent about 5 hours over the last three days in Razaks Wheel farming dwemer motifs... Because I have terrible luck, I never completed that set. I have had one motif drop in that time (yeah, i'm carefully and meticulously checking every dwemer pot)... and I'd already learned that motif. Now, whilst I'm doing this mind numbingly boring farm, my friends are off killing daedra or Celestial Mages, fighting back the Dominion or Pact invasion and casually questing. I feel like I'm missing out.

    I know, I know... it's my choice. I don't have to get the motifs. I can just not do it and join in the fun with my friends. But I'm a completionist. A completionist with terrible luck in Tamriel.

    So, what's the point of this post... ZoS, could you not be so cruel on the RNG drop rate for motifs please? You've already limited us to how much crafted sets we can wear. Why make the motifs so hard to get?? Wouldn't a Tamriel filled with an easily obtainable variety of styles be better? I've done the spell scar, hermaeus mora daily and Elinhir dailies on a daily basis with 4 of my chars for a week now. I've had one motif. The Yokudan Staff. I've already got that one. Is this really what you'd have your players doing?

    I know I'll get flamed for this post... such is the way of the internet. This post is really a plea to ZoS. I want to fight mages and warriors, maticores and crazy kahjit twins. Not run around for Sara Benele watching her try to rebuild broken bridges :neutral:

    price going up cause so few are farming and sellign them. i buy a lot of my motiffs, but sadly, the few odds and ends i need you canot even find on a trader.
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 battlemage (sorcerer)
    v160 restoration archmage (Templar)
    v160 warrior (DragonKnight)
    v160 assassin (nightblade)
    v160 swordsman (sorcerer)
    v160 spellsword (nightblade)
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