I always enjoy Razum'dar. He's so funny.
His jokes just never get old.
"He wants the best for Tamriel. Oh, and a saddle that won't pinch the tail, one day..." <---- still makes me giggle like a little school girl...and I'm a grown man whose heard this nearly a dozen times.
"We'd do anything for the Queen...even if it means riding a guar naked through an Argonian temple." <--- STILL makes me laugh so hard I have to log out for 15 minutes before I finally stop laughing.
(Bonus: I later told the naked guar joke to the football players at my high school. Laugh-o-meter got so high, the coach had to blow his whistle 3 times to get the players to settle down.)
That's funnier than the jokes! You're a grown man that's in high school, a high school that knows Elder Scrolls well enough that everyone got that joke?
That's funnier than the jokes! You're a grown man that's in high school, a high school that knows Elder Scrolls well enough that everyone got that joke?
You know those older looking people at schools around the world? The ones who arrive in their own cars and who teach you stuff? Yeah, they called "adults", or "grown men/women."
starkerealm wrote: »
That's funnier than the jokes! You're a grown man that's in high school, a high school that knows Elder Scrolls well enough that everyone got that joke?
You know those older looking people at schools around the world? The ones who arrive in their own cars and who teach you stuff? Yeah, they called "adults", or "grown men/women."