Nightblade magican and bow sniper

Soul Shriven
Hello,time to tike i play eso and one of my favorite race/class is nightblade range mage tank vampirelizard. Cool.
I started to notice that bow abilities deal far.more dmg than my own skills even when i have all points invested in magicka and dont have stamina bonuses at all. For example - strife is most cost efficient with above average dps and good sustain/utility. Mainly i spam empowered strife (with major sorcery and asassin ultimate, in pve thats op - u can survive pretty easy almost every fight, except world boses). Strife dmg (call it base) is aboit 17x , empowerment and ultimate can increase it till about 24,8x , u can increase it even further, taking skill that gives major breach (destro staff?). Problem is that this build is based on single targeting.
Now, for example, snipe (bow). My low level alt was dragonknight. Snipe base is about 27x, with buff +20% weapon dmg, 32x, another 12% and thats 36x from medium armor, Cast time 1,1 sec. So thats about two strifes. Difference is that u get dmg bonus from sneak attack, also snipe has oretty interesting morph, wich increases range and reduces armor.
Maybe there is difference between physical and magical dmg and resistance? I pkayed with my 3 times lower level alt, and dragonknight sneaky bow attack deal pretty nice dmg,in my opinion its overpowered, ofcourse vampirelizard mage is far more durable, but why do you need thath if you can kill anyone from sneak attack multiple snipes and im not even speaking about boww ultimate wich seems broken as hell (from descritpion, i dont have yet 50 lvl bow skill). For example, uppercut (2-h base is about 25-26x, it is melee, most of tine it never can be used from sneak, its far mote easy to interupt and has weaker moprh, in comparament with snipe). Why snipe and bow ultimate is so powerful? Just why?

X there is more part of multiplier from highest statistic, coeficient is more for interpretation of strengt
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