The other day, I was wondering which is really better, and it came across my mind that they might actually fuel each others validity. For example, MM has been around longer so lots of people have uses it's prices to set their listings, which TTC then reads and uses to adjust it's prices. So for those who aren't in 3 active trading guilds (I think that's the minimum for MM to have proper pricing) TTC is used since it doesn't require active trading guilds, since it runs on listings. Those people who use TTC will compare listings based on MM to those that TTC has, and will then decide whether or not to buy it. That produces sales, which MM runs on. So long story short, MM's sales produce listings that TTC reads that parts of the ESO population use to check prices, which gives more (or less) sales for MM, etc. Now, I get that TTC can be manipulated with people who put inaccurate listings up there, but my argument against that is that TTC will not give you a price range (Note the RANGE compared to MM's 1 price) unless there's I think at least 10 listings, and it will become more precise as more listings appear (that are produced by MM sale price-checking.
My thoughts.
tfw your sig gets wound back in time.
Pterenophobia is the fear of being tickled by feathers.