"Strength, Pride, Honor"
~-This is the Official Elder Scrolls Online Guild of the Falcon Gaming Community!-~

The Falcon Gaming Community has set their eyes on Elder Scrolls Online, and we hope to start recruiting new players for our guild ingame and into the community as a whole! As we are brand new guild we will be head hunting for potential leaders that will be capable of managing the guild. As we also do not have a guild trader as of yet we will primarily be focusing on helping new players progress through the game, and on helping veterans complete the game. So if you want a controlled yet laid back community to dive into, consider joining our guild!

Status: Recruiting
Member Count: 23
Server Presence: NA
Most Popular Faction: Aldemeri Dominion
There is a few criteria you will have to meet before applying to join the clan.
- You need to be at least 16 years old.
- You need to be an active player. (Play at least once a week)
- You need to act mature and behave appropriately among others.
- You need to be willing to get along with other members of the guild.
- You need to be motivated to help other members!
So you guys might be wondering what this guild will hope to achieve, here is a list!
- To become a reputed ESO Guild.
- To ensure everyone has fun!
- To teach skills that can be applied in other games.

TeamSpeak 3 (ts.falcon-gaming.net:9172)

A Steam Group

A Facebook Page + Groups

A YouTube Channel

A Ranking System

A Reward System

A Dedicated Website and Forum
Supreme Commander - The guy who sits at his desk drafting threads like this...
Commander - The Leader(s), they have absolute power (Apart from being able to edit ranks) and they coordinate everything from recruitment, bank management to trading.
Senior Officer - Same role as Officer but more senior in terms of decision making.
Officer - The players that report to the Commander(s) and make sure everything runs smoothly. They may constantly host groups and dungeon runs.
Captain - Veteran ESO Players that use TeamSpeak! They can Withdraw from the Guild Bank.
Specialist - Skilled and relatively experienced ESO players that use TeamSpeak!
Private - New members in the guild that use TeamSpeak! Can donate (deposit) items into the guild bank.
Recruit - New members, can invite friends into the guild.
What exactly are we?
The Guild is actually a branch of the Falcon Gaming Community. The Falcon Gaming Community is a collection of players that play multiple games and within each game we create our own Clan/Faction/Team/Guild in order to preserve and expand the overall reputation and popularity of our community a whole.
Does this mean that if I stop playing ESO and play another game I will still be representing the community?
Yes, and if you’re lucky we might already have a dedicated team in the new game you decide to play so you will always feel like a member of the community!
If not we might even make you a team leader for that game if the demand for a dedicated team in the game increases!
What other games do we play?
You can find out by visiting and joining our community groups!
If you are interested in being apart of our community then just comment your ESO Username below on this thread.
You should receive and invite ingame within 24 hours.
In the rare case that you may not receive an invite within 24 hours you can:
- Drop an email to info@falcon-gaming.net so that you get an invite and someone gets fired...

- Poke an Officer on our TeamSpeak 3 Server
We hope to seeing you on the field!