PTS Addon location not created

I downloaded the PTS and the Elder Scrolls Folder was not created in the Documents section. As such there is not a section for addons.

I made a copy of the Live folder and renamed Live as PTS. This did not solve the issue. I have also attempted repair, uninstalled and reinstalled and also restarted the PC between attempts.

Any suggestions?

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_TristanK
  • Reorx_Holybeard
    Assuming you are on Windows the full path to addons and other things should be:
    Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\pts\

    This seems to work fine for me as does copying addons and savedvariables from the live folder. I assume you restarted the game after creating and copying this directory?
    Reorx Holybeard -- NA/PC
    Founder/Admin of -- UESP ESO Guilds
    Creator of the "Best" ESO Build Editor
    I'm on a quest to build the world's toughest USB drive!
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