NB/Sorc/DK question

Im thinking about starting a new character.A char who would be good solo in VR and can do even trials and dungeons alone.What Race/Class combo should i pick for all the racial passives etc.With the new patch coming.Im allready playing a magicka templar as main but if you have any more recommendations i would gladly love to seek it out.Thank you and cheers!
Khajiit 4eva
  • Dillpat
    well i dont think u can do a trial solo man :wink:

    for min maxing redguard and then orc unless you are a nb then khajit or bosmer

    high elf then dark elf and then breton although BIS in pve is currently dunmer and then khajiit although redguard is still very very popular.

    stam sorc have very strong healing due to crit surge and dark deal along with rally and vigor that all stam classes can get.
    stam dk can heal well too due to getting major mending and battle roar

    magplar ofc have bol and major mending and minor vitality
    magblade because of strife and its morphs although its getting cost increased so it may not be as good
    mag sorc can hide behind massive shield stacks and heal via surge also and dark magic i think the mag version is and they can also run their pets to gain heals.
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