I mean I literally just entered Cradle of Shadows dungeon, they were on the final boss. I travel to them, I guess they didn't like I was only CP 366 and kicked me. Like at least ask what build am I run, or something. And now I have to wait 15 min just to queue again. What a lovely system we have...
"You've been kicked from this group due to the following reasoning:
Git Gud"
Requiring players to type out a reason for kicking will just result in that occurring. Unless you have to select from a premade list of reasons that is. I personally don't care either way, just stating the obvious is all here.
I've been kicked for stupid reasons. Mages are arrogant jerks I tell ya... most of them I've met at least. I wish players would realize there are roles for a reason. Me being a DPS makes me kinda squishy, so no I can't heal myself very well (let alone three other players), and if the tank isn't tanking, the boss or whoever marks me as the biggest threat and targets me. I've learned to not really care... sure it sucks people think you're trash when you aren't but whatever. People can take gaming too seriously.
Only issue I had being "kicked"... I did the random group up thing, took a while to find a group, as soon as it put me in, the leader disbanded the group. I then had to wait the 15 minutes before trying to find a group again.
I mean I literally just entered Cradle of Shadows dungeon, they were on the final boss. I travel to them, I guess they didn't like I was only CP 366 and kicked me. Like at least ask what build am I run, or something. And now I have to wait 15 min just to queue again. What a lovely system we have...
I mean I literally just entered Cradle of Shadows dungeon, they were on the final boss. I travel to them, I guess they didn't like I was only CP 366 and kicked me. Like at least ask what build am I run, or something. And now I have to wait 15 min just to queue again. What a lovely system we have...
They probably kicked you because you were doing the same exact thing the person you were meant to replace was doing. Did you enter group chat and say hi? During Vet/DLC dungeons having someone not in chat is not a good sign.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »When i was below max cp i liked to offer sexual favors in chat right when i got in the dungeon.
??? Doing the exact same thing the person before was doing? I just go there, we didn't fight or anything. It was, I arrived to where they were and before I could even ask their strategy or anything I was kicked.
Maybe the kick out option needs a cool down like feeding horses. You get one kick a day so use it wisely. Personally I think if a person has a problem with the make-up of the group they should just leave. Instead of initiating a vote to kick just get out.
nordsavage wrote: »Maybe the kick out option needs a cool down like feeding horses. You get one kick a day so use it wisely. Personally I think if a person has a problem with the make-up of the group they should just leave. Instead of initiating a vote to kick just get out.
Unanimous group consensus is enough of a requirement to remove a player.
nordsavage wrote: »Maybe the kick out option needs a cool down like feeding horses. You get one kick a day so use it wisely. Personally I think if a person has a problem with the make-up of the group they should just leave. Instead of initiating a vote to kick just get out.
Unanimous group consensus is enough of a requirement to remove a player.
nordsavage wrote: »It is your own fault. Grind up to CP cap. Not being capped is just as bad as showing up without leveled skills, bad gear or no talent. At least get into the upper 400's or low 500's. Cradle of Shadows and the like are meant for end game not still leveling.
Get some Exp. pots and catch up. If I can be 300 CP over cap you can at least be near it. With enlightenment you can run a daily random and pledges and that should get you at least two a day just playing normal.
In your defense those guys sucked too and obviously lost or booted a teammate in frustration. So instead of wasting an hour of your life in a pug romp they did you a favor by removing you.
Never pug DLC runs or vet trials it is almost always not worth the hassle.
??? Doing the exact same thing the person before was doing? I just go there, we didn't fight or anything. It was, I arrived to where they were and before I could even ask their strategy or anything I was kicked.
Did you enter voice chat or not? If you have time to port to the dungeon, and run all the way to the last boss you should've had enough time to atleast say hi. I use to not enter chats either, but when it came to the difficult stuff I started to and it made all the difference by strongly helping group dynamics/cooperation.
nordsavage wrote: »Maybe the kick out option needs a cool down like feeding horses. You get one kick a day so use it wisely. Personally I think if a person has a problem with the make-up of the group they should just leave. Instead of initiating a vote to kick just get out.
Unanimous group consensus is enough of a requirement to remove a player.
I agree.
If you feel you're unfairly kicked then you either avoided a bad, unreasonable group or actually need to look closely at you playing.
In OP case, although you got the 15 min penalty, you probably just avoided 15 minutes of pain and frustration.
Joining a half finished pug dlc dungeon is never a good time in my experience.
nordsavage wrote: »Maybe the kick out option needs a cool down like feeding horses. You get one kick a day so use it wisely. Personally I think if a person has a problem with the make-up of the group they should just leave. Instead of initiating a vote to kick just get out.
Unanimous group consensus is enough of a requirement to remove a player.
I agree.
If you feel you're unfairly kicked then you either avoided a bad, unreasonable group or actually need to look closely at you playing.
In OP case, although you got the 15 min penalty, you probably just avoided 15 minutes of pain and frustration.
Joining a half finished pug dlc dungeon is never a good time in my experience.I just wanted the monster helm.