It would be labeled as a crown store item if it's DLC like the Shadows of the Hist, and the name (possibly placeholder name) of the DLC is "Nord Dungeons".Publius_Scipio wrote: »I'm not an expert, but why would a dungeon be labeled as crown store item? The theory that this is a house is more plausible?
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »Entire landmass first please. Game desperately needs one before more niche dungeons.
I hope Update 14 is fantastic, then. I'm hoping the DLCs this year will have more meat on their bones than the ones released last year. Another dungeon pack isn't really what I had in mind, but oh well...
I've datamined Crown Store item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons". No additional info yet, but I assume, that Update 15 (Q3) will be similar to Shadows of the Hist and take place somewhere in Skyrim.
Nord? Those curved pillars scream Dunmer.
So it's just another Shadows of the Hist-esque DLC with Dungeons that are way too hard for me to enjoy, so I can just skip it.
What I want to know though, is what's Update 14?
I've datamined Crown Store item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons". No additional info yet, but I assume, that Update 15 (Q3) will be similar to Shadows of the Hist and take place somewhere in Skyrim.
UPD: One of possible dungeons can be Cold-Blood Cavern.
Loading Screen:
Description: Which Daedric cult built these long-lost catacombs? It wasn't worshipers of any of the four Princes of the House of Troubles. The clues to this secret are found deep within.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »The term "House of Troubles" is used by the dunmer to refer to Molag Bal, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Malacath. No other culture on Tamriel uses this term AFAIK, so it would make more sense that this dungeon is in Vvardenfell instead of somewhere in Skyrim.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »I've datamined Crown Store item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons". No additional info yet, but I assume, that Update 15 (Q3) will be similar to Shadows of the Hist and take place somewhere in Skyrim.
UPD: One of possible dungeons can be Cold-Blood Cavern.
Loading Screen:
Description: Which Daedric cult built these long-lost catacombs? It wasn't worshipers of any of the four Princes of the House of Troubles. The clues to this secret are found deep within.
The term "House of Troubles" is used by the dunmer to refer to Molag Bal, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Malacath. No other culture on Tamriel uses this term AFAIK, so it would make more sense that this dungeon is in Vvardenfell instead of somewhere in Skyrim.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »arkansas_ESO wrote: »I've datamined Crown Store item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons". No additional info yet, but I assume, that Update 15 (Q3) will be similar to Shadows of the Hist and take place somewhere in Skyrim.
UPD: One of possible dungeons can be Cold-Blood Cavern.
Loading Screen:
Description: Which Daedric cult built these long-lost catacombs? It wasn't worshipers of any of the four Princes of the House of Troubles. The clues to this secret are found deep within.
The term "House of Troubles" is used by the dunmer to refer to Molag Bal, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Malacath. No other culture on Tamriel uses this term AFAIK, so it would make more sense that this dungeon is in Vvardenfell instead of somewhere in Skyrim.
You seem like a buff of sorts, what do these incoming Wild Hunt mounts have to do with TES? I always assumed the wild hunt was The Witcher, so I'm half expecting Geralt to make an appearance. wrote: »You seem like a buff of sorts, what do these incoming Wild Hunt mounts have to do with TES? I always assumed the wild hunt was The Witcher, so I'm half expecting Geralt to make an appearance.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »arkansas_ESO wrote: »I've datamined Crown Store item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons". No additional info yet, but I assume, that Update 15 (Q3) will be similar to Shadows of the Hist and take place somewhere in Skyrim.
UPD: One of possible dungeons can be Cold-Blood Cavern.
Loading Screen:
Description: Which Daedric cult built these long-lost catacombs? It wasn't worshipers of any of the four Princes of the House of Troubles. The clues to this secret are found deep within.
The term "House of Troubles" is used by the dunmer to refer to Molag Bal, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Malacath. No other culture on Tamriel uses this term AFAIK, so it would make more sense that this dungeon is in Vvardenfell instead of somewhere in Skyrim.
You seem like a buff of sorts, what do these incoming Wild Hunt mounts have to do with TES? I always assumed the wild hunt was The Witcher, so I'm half expecting Geralt to make an appearance.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »I hope Update 14 is fantastic, then. I'm hoping the DLCs this year will have more meat on their bones than the ones released last year. Another dungeon pack isn't really what I had in mind, but oh well...
Yeah, I can live with housing, more dungeons and other fluff if we get a new meaty dlc/expansion. Maybe it's just me being spoiled, but I didn't think much of the Dark Brotherhood dlc. It was rather meh. I preferred the Thieves guild dlc although that wasn't any great shakes either. I main a Templar and my character felt out of place sneaking around and murdering people. Had they been included free from the beginning as both the mage and FG were, then I wouldn't have thought they were bad. Or any worse than the former two guild lines.
Well, it isn't such a mystery when there clearly is a big statue of Clavicus Vile right there xDUPD: One of possible dungeons can be Cold-Blood Cavern.
Loading Screen:
Description: Which Daedric cult built these long-lost catacombs? It wasn't worshipers of any of the four Princes of the House of Troubles. The clues to this secret are found deep within.