Ok so im not sure if this is a good place to ask but emails to support havent helped, and i couldnt find any other posts about this, its just a simple question with a little extra input. First let me say this is an amazing game, prob the best mmo on console and one of the best ever made, and i fully grasp how much goes into it. I mean i look around at all the intricate things in pve and the many areas and its obvious how much goes into this game. And now with housing coming even so much more. But my question is, is there any news or any plans to fix the lag in pvp on console? i am on xbox one and i can tell you, as hundreads of others say to me or in area chat, this game is ( at alot of times ) un playable on xbox one in cyrodil. Pvp is stale right now, and i understand why, theres alot of other things to do, and this causes players to end up in similar areas in cyrodil, 50+ players around a keep or similar area fighting. Now its worse in a full campaign when theres a 100 person que, however it is not specific to any campaign and happens everywhere. I mean at times it looks like its 3 fps, abilites not working or not going off til 3 4 5 seconds after you hit them, potions not working after a few trys, even dodge rolls fail somtimes. it gets very choppy. And people i speak to on PS4 say its just as bad if not worse. I mean this is why i got the game, this is one of the biggest parts of the games and latley it seems you re pushing the game more twords group play. Well i play solo, and with all the things stacked against a solo player (eye of the flame, proc sets, 20 man groups chasing me down) i can tell you that lag is the worst. you can outplay people, even groups of people, but you cant do that when the game that you've taken so long to learn how to play very well wont allow you to use half the abilities and moves and combos your trying to. I mean ii watch PC streamers and the lag is nowhere near as bad. Also if the answer is the xbox one s or the scorpio comin next year then let me know, and at least i can plan on getting one of those. But have a 300$ router that gives me 125 mbs on my xbox ( i played this game for a long time with 20 to 40mbs lag free but this was like 8 months ago). This was a little rant but again all that aside the only things im asking for a response to is this; Are there any plans to fix the lag on console in cyrodil, and if i need one of the newer consoles thats fine, and im sure others would understand as i do, this is a complex game, but if its somthing you guys are working on we would like to know. either way thank you for a great game.