Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

*!*Guild Recruitment Idea*!*

An idea cane to me a couple hours ago while I've been endlessly looking for a guild to join. I've noticed we as players dont have many ways to browse all the recruiting guilds out there.

So, I'm thinking this,.. Why not have buildings dedicated to advertising player guilds? Players go in and talk to an npc who would then list guilds that are currently recruiting. Let the officers or guild master be able to write a description about their guild and who they are looking for (if you highlight a guild from the list the description could show), have a guild member count next to each listed guild name, their average cp, and whether its a pve or pvp oriented guild or both.

You select a guild to join and a notification will be sent to the guild master or officers to accept you or deny your enrollment.

This could open a pathway for people who are not on these forums to reach out to guilds and for players to find more of the hidden guilds out there.

I envision three guild recruitment centers. One in each faction with limited space in each, meaning your guild needs to pay a fee to ensure your spot. Nothing outrageous, perhaps a 5-10k fee a week but it is a first come first serve deal instead of how guild traders are set up through bids. So everyone gets a fair shot at this since smaller guilds dont have many funds.

This would provide a gold sink to help the economy out and would provide opportunities for players to browse guilds more freely and put hidden guilds in the spot light.

Hope this can get support and a read from ZOS as I thought it was a good idea. :)

Thanks for your view.
Edited by Seratopia on January 3, 2017 5:22AM
  • andreasranasen
    Love this idea!

    Currently looking for a trial guild that doesn't require a full on resume but it seems pretty hard and I'm not going to ask about it on Zone chat. So a system like this would definitely help! :) I mean it could really work like the Guild Traders. Same UI, just different drop downs on what you're looking for in a guild and then search to find matches and maybe also let you know if you have any friends that are currently in that selected guild.
    Edited by andreasranasen on January 3, 2017 6:57AM
    • Alliance/Platform: Aldemerii - PS4/NA - CP 800+
    • Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf
  • Mic1007
    The only modification I'd make is remove the space limits, and simply have like six NPCs, each representing a generic category of guilds (General, Social, PvE, PvP, RP, and Trading). When you go to one of the NPCs, a list of Guilds will then come up and allow the player to browse through the guilds, reading details on each one. This will allow all the guilds to get a chance at some recruits, raher than just those who camp the NPCs to get the spot first.
    Champion Rank 900+
    PC NA

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • idk

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.
  • widowmakerx
    I like your idea seratopia, it shoes you are a critical thinker, if your interested in a very teamwork oriented, emotionally mature pvp guild msg widowmaker 3502 we are doing a bit of recruiting atm
  • widowmakerx
    XbOx 1 n/a server
  • andreasranasen

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.

    The Guild Recruitment section on the forums is terrible and not everyone in-game hangs out on the forums. They're too busy being in-game. OP's idea is to add this system in-game instead.
    • Alliance/Platform: Aldemerii - PS4/NA - CP 800+
    • Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf
  • idk

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.

    The Guild Recruitment section on the forums is terrible and not everyone in-game hangs out on the forums. They're too busy being in-game. OP's idea is to add this system in-game instead.

    All OP is suggesting is an in game forum. Most guild that would actively recruit in a feature the OP suggests would use these forums. Most that choose to not use these forums would not keep up a post in game either.

    Additionally, the organization in game would not be any better. The same people would be designing the in game feature suggested.
  • VDoom1
    Sounds like a great idea! When I first joined ESO in 2014 I had a lot of trouble finding a good guild. I was back then specifically looking for a PvP guild. And since there is no kind of search function for specific guilds I asked around in chat and nothing. So went off guild..less alone in the world. But yeah eventually I found a good guild that I like. So as someone who had trouble in the beginning, I think this would be very handy.
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • andreasranasen

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.

    The Guild Recruitment section on the forums is terrible and not everyone in-game hangs out on the forums. They're too busy being in-game. OP's idea is to add this system in-game instead.

    All OP is suggesting is an in game forum. Most guild that would actively recruit in a feature the OP suggests would use these forums. Most that choose to not use these forums would not keep up a post in game either.

    Additionally, the organization in game would not be any better. The same people would be designing the in game feature suggested.

    Trader guilds recruit on the forums yes. Competitive guilds do not recruit on the forums so I don't know what you're talking about. This would not only benefit Guilds to recruit, but people wanting to find a specific guild instead of leaving the game to go search online. It's 2017, a company should do their best to keep you in game instead of using a third party.

    "The same people would be designing the in game feature suggested"... Stop right there lol. There's a big difference between Game User Interface Designers and Web Designers. So no, the same people would not be designing the feature OP suggested.

    I am all for @Seratopia 's idea.
    Edited by andreasranasen on January 3, 2017 7:28AM
    • Alliance/Platform: Aldemerii - PS4/NA - CP 800+
    • Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf
  • Olen_Mikko
    Seratopia wrote: »
    So, I'm thinking this,.. Why not have buildings dedicated to advertising player guilds? Players go in and talk to an npc who would then list guilds that are currently recruiting. Let the officers or guild master be able to write a description about their guild and who they are looking for (if you highlight a guild from the list the description could show), have a guild member count next to each listed guild name, their average cp, and whether its a pve or pvp oriented guild or both.

    You select a guild to join and a notification will be sent to the guild master or officers to accept you or deny your enrollment.

    This could open a pathway for people who are not on these forums to reach out to guilds and for players to find more of the hidden guilds out there.

    As a guildmaster, i love the idea. It would ease the advertising tour through zones. And this is the way to get genuinely interested people to join my guild.

    You sir, got my endorsement!

    Mic1007 wrote: »
    The only modification I'd make is remove the space limits, and simply have like six NPCs, each representing a generic category of guilds (General, Social, PvE, PvP, RP, and Trading). When you go to one of the NPCs, a list of Guilds will then come up and allow the player to browse through the guilds, reading details on each one. This will allow all the guilds to get a chance at some recruits, raher than just those who camp the NPCs to get the spot first.

    What an awesome idea!
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • TheShadowScout
    I kinda like the idea for more immersion.

    Though I would envision it as poster wall instead of NPC building... one "guild notices" billboard in each faction capital, and any guild can pay to have their self-written "recruitment poster" nailed to the board for all interested ones to come and read... said posters might include some premade selections (as to main guild focus, perhaps... trading, roleplaying, PvP, PvE, etc.) and a small space for a little writing about the guild... and some contact info with an easy to use "send mail at guild management" button, perhaps?
  • FloppyTouch
    I had this in another mmo I played the only issue was how long it took to scroll through the endless list of guilds. But would work great if done right. Someone mentioned npcs for different guild types like social,trial,pvp,pve,trader would help a lot
    Edited by FloppyTouch on January 3, 2017 9:02AM
  • Seratopia
    And here I went to sleep thinking I made a mistake and everyones gonna hate this idea. (My social anxiety kicking in..) :blush: I'm happy to see the support.

    I appreciate everyone's opinion critical or not. -!: And I love everyones suggestions. They are very encouraged and welcomed by me.

    @widowmakerx I am NA PS4 unfortunately. But thanks for your offer!.

    @andreasranasen I appreciate you replying to a few posts here to clear up comfusion. Couldn't of said what you said any better. Thank you!

    @Mic1007 hey now thats a way to keep it more organized. :) I support that!

    @VDoom1 Exactly. Its hard to find the right guild and I've been playing since early-mid launch on ps4. I'm 561, golded out, I'd say a good pver and pvper but have yet to find a solid bunch of buddies to play with daily. Everyone falls off the map after they get what they wanted from me whether irs gold or help. Figured yea I need a guild (people who cant just drop you) and I came to post this idea.

    @Olen_Mikko Well thanks for your support! But I have to say that I am a lady not a sir lol. Please dont say sorry, its okay!

    @TheShadowScout Again another great idea here. That would be more immersive wouldn't it? Would only need a way for these posters to stand out more. My blind self would walk right by them. Lol.

    @FloppyTouch Long lists of guilds.. I hear ya but better there is a list than not at all like we currently have. :) Filters should do the trick! Or help lol.

    Thanks again for your replies everyone. I randomly woke up and decided to check in. Going back to sleep. Hope ZOS can pop in and comment or read our ideas!


    Not sure who to tag but I did a few. :)
  • agegarton
    I've never understood why you can't advertise your guild at a guild trader kiosk - and recruit from there. A simple toggle on/off for those who don't wish to do so.
  • menedhyn
    I think taking your character to a specific location in this way is a great idea, @Seratopia - I would definitely make use of it as i'm all for doing more of this sort of stuff in-game. In addition to buildings, perhaps smaller tents or pitches in market places, at crossroads or other path junctions might give the impression of recruiters seeking men and mer to their cause? Or even just notice boards, to borrow @TheShadowScout 's cool idea?
    'Pure rains make sweet rivers'
  • VDoom1
    I had this in another mmo I played the only issue was how long it took to scroll through the endless list of guilds. But would work great if done right. Someone mentioned npcs for different guild types like social,trial,pvp,pve,trader would help a lot

    I think your referring to WoW @FloppyTouch, its like that there. Just an endless list of guilds, kinda messy.

    @Seratopia Yes it can be hard to find a guild. One thats active long term, not just for one week. I avoid any new guilds since they usually die and the guildmaster loses interest or just gives up. I think Im lucky to be in a guild that has been active non stop for I dont know how long, six months at least.

    But in any case one problem with this is to avoid what WoW has done, just give you a long list of guilds. So if there is gonna be a Guild tent place in-game for every kind of guild, PvP, PVE, Vampire, Werewolf etc. Then maybe only the top 10 guilds should be displayed, based on activity, and/or the once currently recruiting. That would however possibly require Zenimax to keep in touch with guildmasters which might be a bit messy. Though I dont see why it could be difficult to display the top 10 most active guilds at one of these tents, houses or just guild place. Or if you want to join a specific guild there could be a search bar. Or if you want to browse one thats not on the top 10 there could be some option for that.

    I know the chat is open for it and used for it, but it feels like guilds should have their own place to advertise. So @TheShadowScout thats a great idea. Now Im getting so into this, and were all throwing in more ideas to Seratopia's I hope Zenimax actually implements this, would be great. ^^
    Edited by VDoom1 on January 3, 2017 11:40AM
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • FloppyTouch
    VDoom1 wrote: »
    I had this in another mmo I played the only issue was how long it took to scroll through the endless list of guilds. But would work great if done right. Someone mentioned npcs for different guild types like social,trial,pvp,pve,trader would help a lot

    I think your referring to WoW @FloppyTouch, its like that there. Just an endless list of guilds, kinda messy.

    @Seratopia Yes it can be hard to find a guild. One thats active long term, not just for one week. I avoid any new guilds since they usually die and the guildmaster loses interest or just gives up. I think Im lucky to be in a guild that has been active non stop for I dont know how long, six months at least.

    But in any case one problem with this is to avoid what WoW has done, just give you a long list of guilds. So if there is gonna be a Guild tent place in-game for every kind of guild, PvP, PVE, Vampire, Werewolf etc. Then maybe only the top 10 guilds should be displayed, based on activity, and/or the once currently recruiting. That would however possibly require Zenimax to keep in touch with guildmasters which might be a bit messy. Though I dont see why it could be difficult to display the top 10 most active guilds at one of these tents, houses or just guild place. Or if you want to join a specific guild there could be a search bar. Or if you want to browse one thats not on the top 10 there could be some option for that.

    I know the chat is open for it and used for it, but it feels like guilds should have their own place to advertise. So @TheShadowScout thats a great idea. Now Im getting so into this, and were all throwing in more ideas to Seratopia's I hope Zenimax actually implements this, would be great. ^^

    No I'm not talking about WoW never played that game talking about shaiya
  • Mwnci
    I had this in another mmo I played the only issue was how long it took to scroll through the endless list of guilds. But would work great if done right. Someone mentioned npcs for different guild types like social,trial,pvp,pve,trader would help a lot

    Filters. :smile:
    - Source: RIFT

    Edited by Mwnci on January 3, 2017 1:15PM
    Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin,
    Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
    Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan,
    Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
  • Glaiceana
    Its a great idea! :)
    It would be awesome to search by category as well. So if someone wants a PVP guild, they click that, then perhaps there's a few more filter options and then you see the recruitment messages and some basic info about the guild like its age and how many members.
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • nine9six
    Ditch the Space Limitations. Enter Guild Trader issues.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • VDoom1
    No I'm not talking about WoW never played that game talking about shaiya

    Ah ok my bad. Guess there are several online games with some huge list of guilds in-game. Lets hope ESO doesnt become one of them.

    @Glaiceana my guildmaster. Glad you saw this post. It would be great for the guild, all guilds really.
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • idk

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.

    The Guild Recruitment section on the forums is terrible and not everyone in-game hangs out on the forums. They're too busy being in-game. OP's idea is to add this system in-game instead.

    All OP is suggesting is an in game forum. Most guild that would actively recruit in a feature the OP suggests would use these forums. Most that choose to not use these forums would not keep up a post in game either.

    Additionally, the organization in game would not be any better. The same people would be designing the in game feature suggested.

    Trader guilds recruit on the forums yes. Competitive guilds do not recruit on the forums so I don't know what you're talking about. This would not only benefit Guilds to recruit, but people wanting to find a specific guild instead of leaving the game to go search online. It's 2017, a company should do their best to keep you in game instead of using a third party.

    "The same people would be designing the in game feature suggested"... Stop right there lol. There's a big difference between Game User Interface Designers and Web Designers. So no, the same people would not be designing the feature OP suggested.

    I am all for @Seratopia 's idea.


    Competitive guilds don't recruit In the forums? If they don't recruit ok the forums they most certainly won't recruit in an in game feature.

    Lol. And to your last point, stop right they're. UI designers and web designers have one thing in common. They have a boss. That boss will want limited effort put into such a thing because it's already a waste of time spent for lazy players and guild leadership. Maybe now you see my point though I don't expect you to agree.
  • Fudly_budly
    honestly, I have never understood why players can't simply send an invite request through the guild trader window (for trade guilds anyway).
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • Tomg999
    agegarton wrote: »
    I've never understood why you can't advertise your guild at a guild trader kiosk - and recruit from there. A simple toggle on/off for those who don't wish to do so.

    I've thought the same thing. Many times I'm at a kiosk and think Gee I'd like to join this Guild", and have no idea how or if I could.
  • Nighn_9

    There is a guild recruitment section in these forums. A separate section for each of the servers.

    bring that into the actual game
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
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