Gather 'round young hatchings, for I have a story to tell you. It is not a happy story, but it is a true story that you must hear. In a land not so far away, there once was a mighty nation. Her people were good folk, and no matter how large their cities got they still were one with the Hist. Buildings as tall as the tallest trees dominate the land, the food was as good as the food of kings, and no matter how angry one got at his brother, all was forgiven in the end; for he kept knowledge that in the end, everything will become nothing before Sithis.
But it was not Sithis who cowed us. It was not the Hist who ended this age. It was the reign of Man and Mer who brought that great nation into ruin. Elves from the north used those they found as slaves, while men from the west killed and conquered our coastline. The Saxhleel, as we are known in our mother tongue, were reduced to a few scattered tribes within the swamps of our once proud homeland. Our tall buildings sank into the bogs, our food no longer sustained us, and brother fought against brother over any slight. Everything, truly, became nothing.
It does not have to be this way, young hatchings. The change can start with you. When you are ready, you can rebuild those buildings. When you are ready, you can grow and tend to that food. And when you are ready, you can forgive your brother. For in the end, everything will become nothing before Sithis, but not before we make Argonia great again.Make Argonia Great Again is an Argonian-centric guild on the North American PC server with over 60 active members. We are a social group for all players of the Saxhleel, with casual RP aspects. Our includes the occasional dungeon delve, raids in Cyrodiil, and helping out other Argonians on quests and crafting. While we are a new guild, our members are an enthusiastic bunch who are always looking to chat and help out those who come into the fold.
We have no rules telling you how much profit you need to bring in. We have no rules telling you how long you have to play the game in order to stay in. If you enjoy playing as an Argonian and wish to be with like-minded individuals, then join us in-game or contact
@Kikimora or
Pale-Luar - EP Argonian NB
Vice Guildmaster of Make Argonia Great Again