Hello! I've been playing ESO since Daggerfall. I beta testing ESO online back in 2014 but have only just bought the main game. I kinda prefer to play alone, but have noticed how much easier some of the quests are if there are other people fighting the bad guys with me, so would like to join an established Guild that I can support on quests I couldn't do alone without feeling I have to be really really chatty all the time.
I love collecting Stuff as I wander about, but nothing sells for much, which is no problem, as there never seems to be anything interesting to buy in the shops. I don't mind donating materials that I've found if I'm also able to share other's materials.
I've started crafting clothing (level 7) but really have no idea how that works properly, also started woodworking so I can craft my own bows but again, am a bit confused about everything. As I bought the non-subscription game I'm trying to work out what Collections and DLC are and if I should invest, and I started that free festival quest thing, but I seem to be running for hours only to get a piddly stupid little quest, which is putting me off buying anything. So you see I need help!
I like taking long runs through the countryside, helping out the little people, taking on longer quest-lines that make me feel I'm totally awesome while avoiding the main quest line most of the time.