Q on level scaling

I'm CP 190ish on my main dragonknight. I've never run a mage so I made one with 5 pic Seducer and 3 pc Magnus training armor to level for black water blade. (Yes I'll make new armor at 10). My question pertains to enemy scaling cause I'm melting dudes (pve not pvp cause I'm only lvl 5) with lightning staff and destruction magic like butter. Is that normal?
Edited by skiptomyluau on January 2, 2017 3:00AM
  • kargen27
    Yeah that is common if you know what you are doing. As you already took at least one character through all this you have a good idea how things work and should be a better player that you were with your first character. Also you have better gear than what you probably had on the first one.

    One of my characters I only used armor he picked up until I reach 50 and other than world bosses and the like I could do everything without to much grief. Also had on that I put level 10 armor on then didn't replace until level 30 and he did really well also. I'm guessing most things are scaled to new players with drop armor so it seems easier to you, and the experience you now have only adds to that.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • skiptomyluau
    Now I just have to read up and learn how to play a mage! Have to resist that urge to charge into battle lol. Been playing ES since Morrowind and always heavy melee or ranger
    Edited by skiptomyluau on January 2, 2017 3:02AM
    yeah again...

    scaling only goes so far.

    the early areas even scaled are still victim to their design, which is based off being manageable by someone new to the game with only a few skills unlocked and only a few pieces of gear. In the early game, barring alts and such, it took a while of leveling to get seven different pieces, but with crafted stuff from an alt - a char can get sets in place, all pieces slotted etc right off the bat and that combined with knowing how to dodge roll and chew gum at the same time means easy fights.

    this is especially true if you allocate those 190 champion pts to the 5th level alt.

    i never allocate more than 10cp to a non-50 char and those 10 go into regen to unlock the harvest node passive only.

    Once they hit 50, its a big change.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • kargen27
    I forgot that part. I don't assign points until they reach 50 either. To me it just seems they haven't earned them yet.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Iselin
    PVE scaling is different from what you'll see in BWB once you get there. For one thing your CP will be turned off there. For another there is an extra dose of PVE scaling that low level characters get from 1-33 - that won't exist in BWB either.

    So enjoy it while it lasts but don't expect to be anything other than a walking AP pinata when you get to BWB at level 10 :)
  • skiptomyluau
    I know. I've played PvP before (not that great at it) so I get the Ben rules, I leveled out and Haderus is impossible and laggy
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