TheUrbanWizard wrote: »@LordGavus So what's the standard amount of time used to make this measurement? Got to admit I've never fully got it when people say my dps is this or that, cos for me the numbers popping up on the screen vary so much
Paulington wrote: »Calling 20k DPS the minimum for veteran dungeons is somewhat incorrect. Providing your healers can keep you alive you only need an average of 12k DPS per DD to do the first boss of vMOL before he enrages.
It will be slow, but all veteran content can be completed with 10k DPS per DD. You'll struggle on the DLC stuff but providing your healer and tank are competent you will manage it.
Now of course, the more damage you do the easier and faster it will be. If 10k DPS is the "minimum", then 15k DPS would be relatively comfortable with 20k DPS making it trivial. All single-target numbers.
doing 10k-15k dps as healer with only SPC and rest sets just fast geared without preparation :v
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Most people should be pulling 20+k heavies.. 14k whips, 24k frags, 24k jabs. If you honestly cannot pull 20k minimum in vet then you have a major problem
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Most people should be pulling 20+k heavies.. 14k whips, 24k frags, 24k jabs. If you honestly cannot pull 20k minimum in vet then you have a major problem
Lmao I am going full legendary (5 tbs, grothdarr and IA) and I dont pull 24k jabs. Where are you getting these numbers ?
Post your build and parse and I'll believe you.
I think we both know he is tanking about the whole channel.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »Most people should be pulling 20+k heavies.. 14k whips, 24k frags, 24k jabs. If you honestly cannot pull 20k minimum in vet then you have a major problem
Zagnut123Zagnut123 wrote: »@Paulington the twins in vMoL will enrage if the average dos isn't at least 30k I've seen that happen once and I can only assume a good pulling such low numbers would survive the enrage phrase.
20k+ is simple to achieve was long as you keep dots up 30k is possible if you allow them to run there duration before reapplying and and anything more then 40k requires good timing and light attack weaving.
How much single target dps is good for vet random dungeons. I'll clarify let's define an average and a minimum. So if you are looking for a dps for vet dungeons what would be the minimum req? What would be average dps?