ok so here's the thing I'm having trouble deciding whether to make the viper sting mace, sword or dagger legendary. I'm not rich and it took along time to farm mats, however I'm currently running hounding and viper with monster set. I have a hounding sword nirnhoned and one sharpen. All the viper weapons are sharpen and i'm having some trouble with the math i guess you could say i'll give you some stats on my setups first and if there already is a post like this please redirect me because couldn't find one.
First setup:
-Nirnhoned sword hounding (for extra damage to shields)
-viper mace sharpen ( for penetration passive in dual wield tree)
crit 58.7%
wep dmg unbuffed 2767
surprise attack 7k (a skill and the dmg on tooltip)
2nd setup
-Nirnhoned sword hounding (for extra damage to shields)
-viper dagger sharpen (for more crit)
crit 63.7%
wep dmg unbuffed 2767
surprise attack 7k
3rd setup:
-Nirnhoned sword hounding (for extra damage to shields)
-viper sword sharpen (2.5% extra dmg passive)
crit 58.7%
wep dmg unbuffed 2767
surprise attack 7206
4th setup:
-hounding sword sharpen
-viper dagger sharpen
crit 63.7%
wep dmg unbuffed 2640
surprise attack 6835
5th setup:
-hounding sword sharpen
-viper mace sharpen
same as dagger less crit 58.7%
6th setup:
-hounding sword sharpen
-viper sword sharpen
crit 58.7%
wep smg unbuffed 2640
surprise attack 7036
I realise this is a lot but I only need to know which ones best I'm currently undecided between 1 and 6. but i don't know if 2 and 3 are a valid option given that so many run heavy armor with impen nowadays it seems futile to get the extra 5% crit on 2nd setup and you do get less physical pen with 2 swords on 3rd but more dmg. I kind of want the nirnhoned but science tells us to leave that *** at the door, and I don't really understand how physical pen works.
skills I use differ depending on where I am but most of the time mark is on the bar, have almost 3k physical pen with champion points.
*Running on playstation so can't do a serious dps test
Edited by Aggrolas on December 30, 2016 11:39AM