Browsing on Youtube, I come across one of Deltia's build videos about his Omega Templar, and what caught my attention was it relying only on easily acquired gear from craftable and overland sets, so I got interested. Speed forward to logging on to do a little farming of the Dolmens in Deshaan to get the Jewelry pieces of Mother's Sorrow, and even with 75 points slotted into unlocking Treasure Hunter, I only managed one purple ring out of the several dozen dolmen chests, everything else being green and blue stuff. That's when I notice someone linked a purple necklace in zone. So I answer, "Price?" And the following chat took place.

Now...I'm not one to actively try and cheat people into giving me great deals, I usually like to (somehow) pay appropriate price, and I know a purple jewelry piece of a good set like this must be going for quite a bit in the traders, but I was impatient, and a bit tired from it getting passed midnight, so I gave a cheap yet still somewhat reasonable amount. But that last whisper in the image from the player, makes me feel a bit bad.

I'm sure the purple pieces are going for like at least twice that right? I didn't really check.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!