After expertly sneaking into a keep under siege alone, I decided to hide and wait for the mindless 30 zerglings to exit their newly acquired keep, they were so happy and clueless of my presence. After the keep walls were back up, I was taken out of stealth by the evil infernal guardian 2 piece, even through I was not in combat. I was then chased around by a few people, and I killed even fewer. One of the pvp gods that outnumbered poor Johun whispered I was going to be banned for being inside a repaired keep. Now I know some of my good friends were permanently banned for using gap closers to get inside which zos felt was right and just, but what if I snuck inside and the walls were repaired afterwards? Better yet since I'm dumb and don't know where to find said consequences, if any, can one of you lovely people reading this let me know where to look?
[Edit to remove naming and shaming]
Edited by [Deleted User] on December 28, 2016 10:33PM Best NB NA