After doing a little bit of testing on my dragonknight healer to experiment with Obsidian Shard as a medium burst heal, I noticed from my FTC scrolling combat text that something was dodging attacks. Knowing that the mobs my group was fighting at the time had no mechanics or abilities which would give them evasion, I went through my combat log to find out exactly what was dodging attacks, and which attacks they were dodging. The result of this search was finding that the tank was passively dodging heals from the Obsidian Shard ability that I was specifically in the process of testing at the time.
Here is the line from my combat log that prompted further experimentation:
Having seen this line in the combat log, the tank and I went to a world boss that we could play around more with the skill that wouldn't fall over dead with a couple of attacks. If the tank used shuffle for major evasion, he could consistently dodge the heal from Obsidian Shard and effectively waste the skill's cast. Here is a short gif demonstrating the dodge: