Dude, zos is going to remove the crit chance only from proc sets.. your main dps comes from your active abilities, so dont be so tragic..thief/shadow will be still bis
Dude, zos is going to remove the crit chance only from proc sets.. your main dps comes from your active abilities, so dont be so tragic..thief/shadow will be still bis
DannyLV702 wrote: »Wasn't thief/shadow already BiS before we got the procs?
Dude, zos is going to remove the crit chance only from proc sets.. your main dps comes from your active abilities, so dont be so tragic..thief/shadow will be still bis
Agree, except bolded part, which is not always true. A lot of scrubs in PvP rely heavily on proc set dmg, its more then half of their burst potential.
Dude, zos is going to remove the crit chance only from proc sets.. your main dps comes from your active abilities, so dont be so tragic..thief/shadow will be still bis
Agree, except bolded part, which is not always true. A lot of scrubs in PvP rely heavily on proc set dmg, its more then half of their burst potential.
Anyone using procs as intended (Heavy users that want some damage that isn't based on stam/mag.) will be fine. We don't instantly kill people with our procs. (Non-crit tremor/viper hits deal 8-11k every 4 seconds. Plenty of time to scramble free and heal. Actual DPS-oriented builds far outdamage basic procs in heavy). Tanks with procs should be mostly unaffected, and two procTanks or tank-healer fight will often fight to a standstill if their builds have decent sustain built-in.
The main playstyle that will be impacted are the high-crit oneshot builds. (Viper/Velidreth/Widow) that can shave off 20-25% health in a single combo and follow up with an incap/execute. These are the builds that drove everyone and their dog to heavy armor (and thus, Blackrose. Because it is A or S class tier resource generation for heavy. And also working as designed). The fewer hyper-proc bursts there are, the more variety of armor you will see.
*Prepares to be down-voted by the legion of nightblades that want easy kills.*
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »All panic aside, let us go ahead and panic.