Your Top 5 games of all time

Will probably get deleted, but there's been worse things posted over recent days.

1- Heavily modded Oblivion
2- The Witcher 3
3- Planescape
4- Mario Kart (original SNES one because many a night spent in my youth drinking until the morning playing this game with mates)
5- Borderlands 2 (the only FPS I have liked and have played since CoD4. Not a big FPS fan at all, though)

Honourable mentions to Mass Effect 3 and Baldurs Gate 2. For all the saltiness surrounding the Mass Effect 3 ending, which has ultimately led to the BioWare forums being closed, it contains some of the best story driven content I have ever stumbled across in any game. The renegade Mordin option being the absolute stand out piece from the game. The only thing that has genuinely made me well up in a game.
Edited by Prof_Bawbag on December 26, 2016 9:10PM
  • Lexxypwns
    1. Morrowind
    2. Mass Effect 3
    3. Dragon Age: Origins
    4. Star Wars KOTOR
    5. Xcom: enemy unknown
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    1. Morrowind
    2. Mass Effect 3
    3. Dragon Age: Origins
    4. Star Wars KOTOR
    5. Xcom: enemy unknown

    Never played KOTOR, but the rest are excellent games too. Was so addicted to Xcom when it first came out on the 360.
  • Radinyn
    1. ESO
    2. Other TES
    4. Wizard 101
    5. Warlords Battlecry III

    I tried Wither many times but its just super boring for me.

    On secound place - King Arthur's Gold too
    Edited by Radinyn on December 26, 2016 9:06PM
  • Livvy
    1) Lord of the Rings Online
    2) City of Heroes
    3) Elder Scrolls Online
    4) Mario Kart
    5) Golden Eye
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Livvy wrote: »
    1) Lord of the Rings Online
    2) City of Heroes
    3) Elder Scrolls Online
    4) Mario Kart
    5) Golden Eye

    Ooh another Mario Kart. I thought I was going to be alone in putting it in my top 5.
  • BlackEar
    1) World of Warcraft
    2) call of duty 4
    3) Warcraft 3
    4) ESO
    5) left 4 dead
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  • Vipstaakki
    1. Mount & blade: Warband
    2. Avernum: Escape from the pit
    3. Age of Empires
    4. Crusader kings II
    5. Dragon age: Origins
  • Lexxypwns
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    1. Morrowind
    2. Mass Effect 3
    3. Dragon Age: Origins
    4. Star Wars KOTOR
    5. Xcom: enemy unknown

    Never played KOTOR, but the rest are excellent games too. Was so addicted to Xcom when it first came out on the 360.

    KOTOR is an amazing game, the second one is also fun, but a bit disjointed.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
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  • akl77
    1. Dark souls
    2. Bloodborn
    3. Demon souls
    4. Simcity series
    5. ESO if it doesn't crash every hour
    Edited by akl77 on December 26, 2016 9:13PM
    Pc na
  • VoidBlue
    1. Final Fantasy 7
    2. Final Fantasy 6
    3. Final Fantasy 4
    4. Final Fantasy 8
    5. Final Fantasy 10
  • pattyLtd
    I find it difficult to choose between mass effect and eso.
    ESO is by far the game spend the most time in and i truelly love it even with its many flaws its still awesome.

    Mass effect was nothing but amazing all 3 of them as a whole the ending really didnt live up to the rest of its amazing story. Funny thing i played ME3 first and loved it so much that i got 1 & 2 after i finished it :D

    1. ESO
    2. Mass effect trilogy
    3. Dragon age inquisition
    4. Witcher 3
    5. GTAV
    Edited by pattyLtd on December 26, 2016 9:17PM
    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • Rohamad_Ali

    Metal Gear Solid

    Tenchu Stealth Assasins


  • Prof_Bawbag
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    1. Morrowind
    2. Mass Effect 3
    3. Dragon Age: Origins
    4. Star Wars KOTOR
    5. Xcom: enemy unknown

    Never played KOTOR, but the rest are excellent games too. Was so addicted to Xcom when it first came out on the 360.

    KOTOR is an amazing game, the second one is also fun, but a bit disjointed.

    Doesn't surprise me about the 2nd as Obsidian were involved in developing it. Obsidian are a funny bunch. They come up with excellent ideas, cater towards the old skool RPGers (or more than most other current devs do), yet their actual execution leaves a lot to be desired more often than not. They make Bethesda games seem relatively bug and glitch free.

    Alpha Protocol is one of only 3 games I have never been able to finish due to constant game breakers. The other two games were one of the STALKER games, maybe clear skies. The other was Daggerfall. All complete bug fests when they first released.

  • ZOS_CoriJ
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