Hey, everybody! I hope you all are having a blessed holiday season both in-game and out! My husband's been bugging me to bring over and share a project I've been posting on my Elder Scrolls Tumblr (
http://durnkskyrum.tumblr.com/), so here I am!
Spawned by a little conversation in one of my guilds, I started fiddling around with concocting some New-Life-themed holiday carols, or, rather, parodies/adaptations of real-world carols. This devolved into me churning out the lyrics to a carol or two per day over the past week and ended just now when I posted the final set of lyrics for the Imperial carol. Each carol was posted with a pretty screenshot featuring a character of either my own or my husband's, most of which are pretty enough in their own rights!

Some of the carols relate specifically to the New Life Festival quests, while some are just hymns those races might sing at a time like the New Life Festival.
So here's links for each carol, and I'll post a few of my favorite screenshots at the bottom of the post too. Hope you enjoy!

Edited by grievousGrimalkin on December 26, 2016 2:01AM