Hey Guys, I was wondering if any pvp night blades experience this problem too. The mass hysteria skill occasionally, when cast, the animation plays through half way but the skill does not go off.
This happens more often recently than before... mostly when you are trying to weave light/medium attack.
One instance for example: when dueling and you are about to fear but your aiming cross thingy is pointed at a NPC (in settings hurt innocents is turned off) then the fear skill does no go off. This usually happens since my opponent is dpsing me and is all over the place and I cannot point at him directly to fear.
So to fix this I decided to use tab targeting. which supposedly fixed the issue. however still happens but much less. which is still bad since that one fear occasionally determines the outcome of the duel.
on the other note getting stuck in a medium/heavy desto attack animation after which cannot cast any skills...
Orr this is just lag???
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