So reflecting back to when Voidsteel/Shadowhide/Voidcloth/Nightwood was the be all armor when vr14 was the cap. I was browsing the appearance of armor sets with the older mats and I surprisingly liked their look more than the new ones. I am just not a red type of person. It's not my favorite color, I did love the voidsteel on weapons 100% more though than rubedite because of that though. In that they actually lacked the red tinge of color that I hate in it.
So I ask. Which end game appearance do you like more? For me personally I prefer the old style more. Especially the voidsteel weapons. They looked way better without the red!!
Also, here's a link to compare the 2 [Voidsteel/Shadowhide/Voidcloth/Nightwood] [Rubedite/Rubedo/Ancestor/Ruby Ash]
Edited by Mutagem on December 23, 2016 3:39PM Mutagem - AD Stamina Nightblade - Prefect
Mutagentleman - AD Magicka Templar - Palatine
Mutageneticist - AD Magicka Sorcerer - Corporal
Rubedite/Rubedo/Ancestor/Ruby Ash Appearance or Voidsteel/Shadowhide/Voidcloth/Nightwood Appearance? 57 votes
I like Rubedite/Rubedo/Ancestor/Ruby Ash appearance more
I like Voidsteel/Shadowhide/Voidcloth/Nightwood appearance more