This is not really meant to be a suggestion thread, but an imagination exercise to create a funnier ESO by importing elements from others games. At least the housing system seems to be closer to EQ2 which is one of my wishes, but there other mechanics that I've seen in other MMOs and I'll love to see them here to enhance the exploring and RP experience.
Most of them will come from Black Desert Online because from my point of view what a game have the other one lack.
A true open world map. Okay, I know it's impossible to turn the game open world now, but I've said that it's more an imagination exercise than a suggestion. Now imagine how it will become a more true TES experience by visiting the all Tamriel (or at least a smaller version of what it is lore wise), without borders and loading screens except for instances.
Be able to sit down on chairs, rocks and other objects by simply walking backward to them like in BDO. Why not simply had a command to interact with a chair like other games do? Because when I'm walking in nature in real life I don't have a char with me, but I can always find a nice rock to sit down, or a tree to stretch my back.
And another feature I loved in BDO, your character will move his/her limps and gesticulate while typing on chat, because this will add more immersion and a more sandbox feeling.
Grappling system, not sure if is the correct them but I'm referring to the ability to climb walls and other environment elements. I know that TES isn't Gothic, but is time for this genre to enhance the exploration a bit. I'm not speaking only about ESO, but about every MMORPG and syngle player RPG where I have to go across a long wall instead of climbing over it and reach my destination faster. Yeah, in real life you don't do that without jumping into troubles or at least making everyone around you to think that you are crazy, but this is a game and the real life rules don't apply here.
I'm stopping with BDO now, because having a cart, horses and boats that you can park in the world is both an interesting and an annoying feature at same time and we don't need more lag and FPS drops here, also beside few other small features the rest of the game is just and endless grind fest. But those obsessed with grind can give it a shot.
Fishing everywhere, like other MMOs do because i don't like to share my fishing spot with every nosy shameless stranger.
A display case for your collectables, because what point to call them collectables if you have to trow them away instead of keeping them on a special place?
Some missions involving puzzles, I mean actual puzzles, not what both ESO and TES devs consider to be puzzles. Maybe not puzzles at the level of The Secret World, even that it will amazing to dig deep into the lore for the solution, but some real challenge will be nice for certain players.
In-world jumping puzzles will be also pretty nice, like Guild Wars and WildStar got.
Create an Animunculus companion by gathering the pieces like you do with your HK-51 in The Old Republic. Also the Vanos siblings could aid you because it's always a pleasure when I meet them.
Get different gear and passives in Cyrodiil. What GW2 made right is the PvP where everybody is the same level and have access to same skills, you only have to farm for better gear. This everybody get more equal chances, not just the end gamers, the only think they are lacking at the beginning beside few extra stats on gear is the actual skill that they can develop easier because they will not be crushed like bugs by high level players with better equipment and more passives than them.
Better wardrobe system, because I want to wear pieces from more costumes and look different, not like 177413 other players. Also I want to keep visible some parts of my armors and hide others.
Now few things that I like in ESO and I love to appear in other MMOs also:
-the level scale that is a lot better than in GW2. This was the best idea and something that should be considered for the future story driven MMOs
-plenty of emotes, oke I can find this in other games too, but is nice to have. And trust me, if you aren't a cynical elitist that only know about numbers, grinding, living the illusion that is better than everyone and not having fun at all, you can have a lot of lulz by derping around with emotes.
-not really having to kill x stuff for every quest.
Now is your turn to share with us what other element would you prefer from other games. What your ideal ESO is lacking?
Also note that this is not a suggestion thread so replies like "the game is good how it is" or "ZOS should fix other stuff before adding more" will be off-topic and equal with spam.
@GabiAlex -
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