Who knows. You run into strange people in pugs. He may have decided the healer wasn't good enough to finish the dungeon. Or maybe he decided he was too cool for you guys.
Seems odd to leave mid way through when it sounds like you were doing fine.
Who knows. You run into strange people in pugs.
starkerealm wrote: »Who knows. You run into strange people in pugs.
The story that comes to mind is from another MMO. It had slotted passives. You'd purchase your abilities, but everything went into the loadout. There are two that were really important for dungeons. "Subtly" was a DPS ability that would reduce your agro generation (by 75%, IIRC), "Agitator" (I think), did the opposite, 300% aggro gen. Guess what role takes Agitator.
We get in there, and everyone wipes on one of the bosses. So one of the DPS starts going through looking at each player with inspect (I guess), sees my loadout and flips out. Screaming about how I need to slot Subtlety. And how we wiped because I was drawing aggro off the Tank with Agitator...
Yeah, I was the tank. The DPS rage quit.
PUGs are weird.
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »Lol. Was tanking a random and a dps pull a mini boss in a room that had lots of mobs around. In reality it was no big deal but it's easier when I can pull the room together properly.
I asked to let me pull bosses to which one of the DD smarted off. I suggested I could drop if he prefers and he suggested his friend could come tank.
Long story short, the other two players vote kicked him. We were about 5 min from completion.
It really helps not to be a smart ass, especially when your a DD in a 4 man group.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »Lol. Was tanking a random and a dps pull a mini boss in a room that had lots of mobs around. In reality it was no big deal but it's easier when I can pull the room together properly.
I asked to let me pull bosses to which one of the DD smarted off. I suggested I could drop if he prefers and he suggested his friend could come tank.
Long story short, the other two players vote kicked him. We were about 5 min from completion.
It really helps not to be a smart ass, especially when your a DD in a 4 man group.
I don't understand why people do that. Like, in these Vet dungeons, on a Healer I am legitimately scared to accidentally pull mobs or big bosses. Like, I'm always hiding behind the skirt tails of the tank! I will refuse to even move forward before he does I get that scared lol
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »
With sweeps on your bar you should be in good shape. Every class has something a healer can use.
I don't have to use GF at all but enjoy doing randoms for the various experiences. It's fine to pull everything with a known group but one doesn't really known what strangers can handle so I'm often a little cautious.
@starkerealm Was it TSW? Because if I recall correct those were the name of some passives in TSW.
Curragraigue wrote: »Did a group finder PUG for Vet EH2. We were up to the second last boss. I ran through the corridor past the two portals to get to the boss. As tank I probably should have said that was what I was doing but I have to admit I was in a rush and I thought everyone did that.
Anyway the healer and one DPS followed me into the room and the other DPS was out in the corridor fighting maybe but his health bar was going wild. I turned around to decide whether to go out and the healer moved towards the door probably thinking the same thing. The DPS that was in the room with the boss drew aggro. We started getting hit before I could set up and taunt so when the DPS in the corridor and the healer were both in the room they died. I tried to taunt the mobs and boss thinking the DPS standing would rez but he didn't and I died then he died. We all rez then the DPS that drew aggro and didn't rez the healer says "no healz lol" and then drops group. No wipes before that boss and maybe one if that deaths before. The healer may have been a little slower giving heals but certainly not horrible imo.
So we three man the second last boss then join group finder and finish the last boss with 4 people all within less than 5 mins of the guy leaving. My query is did the DPS that left think:
1) he was too pro for the group and could not been seen with us; or
2) that he would get the dungeon done faster if he dropped group and started again even though we were literally less than 5 mins away from finishing?
I can understand if it was the first boss or if the group had been terrible before hand (not that I would leave I like a challenge) but this just made no sense to me.
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »Lol. Was tanking a random and a dps pull a mini boss in a room that had lots of mobs around. In reality it was no big deal but it's easier when I can pull the room together properly.
I asked to let me pull bosses to which one of the DD smarted off. I suggested I could drop if he prefers and he suggested his friend could come tank.
Long story short, the other two players vote kicked him. We were about 5 min from completion.
It really helps not to be a smart ass, especially when your a DD in a 4 man group.
I don't understand why people do that. Like, in these Vet dungeons, on a Healer I am legitimately scared to accidentally pull mobs or big bosses. Like, I'm always hiding behind the skirt tails of the tank! I will refuse to even move forward before he does I get that scared lol