I started playing with Lich two days ago, and noticed that the set proc sound (reminder: Lich gives you roughly 1k more mana regen when you're under 33% magicka for 20 seconds every minute) appeared whenever I was sieging, while my magicka pool was full.
Below is a video illustrating the bug. As you can see, I have full resources and yet Lich procs. While not that important whenever pv/dooring, it becomes quite annoying should you get inc'ed by other players and expect the Lich set to proc when you run out of magicka. Which doesn't happen because it proc'ed earlier while you were full mana and sieging like a sheep.
Don't know if you were aware of it, and if there had been other threads about it, but here goes nothing.
Edited by covenant_merchant on December 20, 2016 7:03PM