Hi @NoxCaelo, we are indeed.
At the moment we have a main rota of 15 players but only 2 main healers so having 3 would definitely help.
We do a rotation so that everyone gets to do a trial at least once a week and everyone has to sit one out at some stage.
At the moment we are doing trials on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 to 10:30 GMT. So if you're available for these times that'd be great.
We expect people to have a mic too, not just to talk but mainly to listen to how we do trial mechanics.
If you're still interested, drop your GT below and I'll send you an invite
Are you guys still recruiting? Have a main trials healer with all gear/set ups and 2 mag dps both with 30k+ self buffed dps,also working on a stam toon. Let me know thanks
What’s your GT? We’ll get you an invite as soon as the game is actually working
Never Behind Guild - PvE & PvP & Trade & Trials & Friendship & Great laughs
Guild Motto - leave no one behind, stay on the crown, kill the greens
Ebonheart Pact
You’ve already had an answer - that’s great! Welcome to the Guild
Never Behind Guild - PvE & PvP & Trade & Trials & Friendship & Great laughs
Guild Motto - leave no one behind, stay on the crown, kill the greens
Ebonheart Pact
Hi @Sparr0w I tried to send you an invite but it said you had to leave one first. I'll send you another when I'm on later. Please make sure you have a free spot