Greetings traveler. Let an arrow shot your knee. Oh. Wrong phrase.
So I`m new to game(100+ hours of Auridon only) and to forum(1st post after some lurking)
So I dont know ehre can i create a discussion like this one.
The things is about customization of Windows(7/8/10) with ESO elements.
Here we go. I can change a Start Orb and Logon Window and Desktop. But what about the taskbar? A draw some in peacuful elven style. Though I cant use them. Usual taskbar replacers just add and image
behind the original taskbar. I tried to delete or hide the Window`s taskbar but with no success. The Ico is another problem. For example "Google" will get a publick dungeon Ico. Etc.
The biggest problem is taskbar. Cant find a software for replacement. Only some silly retextures. Or additional bars

which is annoying. I need to remove the taskbar at all or make it 100% invisible. (100% means 100% I saw many guidess where I cant remove the counturs)
I hope situation on the Windows 10 is better. I heard the W10 taskbar is easy to replace with new image in 6 clics.
P.S: Why Arwen? `Cuz she is 10 times more cutie then Ayreen, I`m sorry my Queen. But U`re ugly.
P.S.S: The images on desctop is moving in slideshow. But I did it with my bare hands. Cant find a software to make an "Animation-Collage" If someone have such thing - let me know. (U can find a Collage)
Edited by TheHarshWinter on December 18, 2016 8:17PM