First off I would like to say that I play in Azura's star because I cannot stand playing with CP. I think CP needs to be completely removed from the game because it is the majority of balance
issues. As long as you have CP you will never ever balance this game. However if they do that they would need to also readjust the difficulty of PvE because things like maelstrom would be
impossible to complete. I would also like to say how annoying it is when people in the chat ask over and over again for 20 minutes before leaving the campaign because nobody would invite them
to a group.
All jokes aside my first point is that people use proc sets. I don't need to go into it so it speaks for itself.
People wear heavy armor so you cannot really penetrate through their armor. I have sharpened weapons with about 40 cp into piercing. I can't get my armor penetration any higher than that with
my gear. I don't want to have to use the spriggons set even though I know I should. I don't think it is the armor that is the problem though. I recently made a post about how heavy armor is not
overpowered and I am not contradicting myself when I say that it is overpowered. Previously I stated that I play in a non CP campaign because I don't like playing with CP. Do you have any idea
how much damage you mitigate with 100 points into hardy? You would be like a brick wall. But these people that I am attacking have 0 points into everything, no trouble killing them because they
cannot mitigate any damage. This is highly problematic. I don't think the majority of players understand how overpowered champion points are in this game. It seems almost as if most people I
talk to have this attitude that everything in the game is skill based and non of it is gear based. I personally believe it is a little bit of both, but lately gear really does change the entire concept of
this game being skill based. I know a lot of people that are under the delusion that I should use proc sets because other people are too. I understand how difficult it is to balance an MMO. But
this is the wrong attitude, and people that use proc sets in duels and call other players trash for losing really do need a reality check.
Poisons should have never been added to this game. You literally cannot deny it because you have poisons that drain your resources and make them cost 60% more for 6 seconds. 1vxing is
primarily dead because of this. If you cannot sustain because people keep taking your resources, then this is not a learn to play issue. If you are fighting 3 people and all 3 of them are using
poisons, then it is over. Good bye resources. Respawn at nearest keep.
I am a stamina nightblade. I know dueling is a joke in this game because classes are not balanced at all. I can gank medium armor users effiecantly in CP campaigns, and gank heavy armor users
in Non-CP campaigns efficently as well. What I cannot do is duel another nightblade that is wearing black rose, viper, tremor scale, selenes, validreth, etc. I still run heavy armor, I still use a build
that I made 5 months ago. This is how it goes: I open up a duel, 2 seconds later I get bursted down and I am trying to figure out why I just died. I know exactly why I died, but I'm still very
confused because it makes absolutely no sense why this dude just "dueled" me, and then called me trash. Now let's start to talk about how there are 3 people with this setup on. They take no
damage, their heals are miraculous, and their damage is toxic. Then they are probably using poisons. Lastly I would like to say that 1vx doesn't exist in this game. You will get zerged down by 50
people the moment you run into anyone that you can actually kill. You can just one guy and then you have 50 people ready to kill you.
The PvP in this game is nothing but flowers and rainbows. Wonderful.