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These are my reasons why PvP 1vxing is beyond dead

First off I would like to say that I play in Azura's star because I cannot stand playing with CP. I think CP needs to be completely removed from the game because it is the majority of balance

issues. As long as you have CP you will never ever balance this game. However if they do that they would need to also readjust the difficulty of PvE because things like maelstrom would be

impossible to complete. I would also like to say how annoying it is when people in the chat ask over and over again for 20 minutes before leaving the campaign because nobody would invite them

to a group.

All jokes aside my first point is that people use proc sets. I don't need to go into it so it speaks for itself.

People wear heavy armor so you cannot really penetrate through their armor. I have sharpened weapons with about 40 cp into piercing. I can't get my armor penetration any higher than that with

my gear. I don't want to have to use the spriggons set even though I know I should. I don't think it is the armor that is the problem though. I recently made a post about how heavy armor is not

overpowered and I am not contradicting myself when I say that it is overpowered. Previously I stated that I play in a non CP campaign because I don't like playing with CP. Do you have any idea

how much damage you mitigate with 100 points into hardy? You would be like a brick wall. But these people that I am attacking have 0 points into everything, no trouble killing them because they

cannot mitigate any damage. This is highly problematic. I don't think the majority of players understand how overpowered champion points are in this game. It seems almost as if most people I

talk to have this attitude that everything in the game is skill based and non of it is gear based. I personally believe it is a little bit of both, but lately gear really does change the entire concept of

this game being skill based. I know a lot of people that are under the delusion that I should use proc sets because other people are too. I understand how difficult it is to balance an MMO. But

this is the wrong attitude, and people that use proc sets in duels and call other players trash for losing really do need a reality check.

Poisons should have never been added to this game. You literally cannot deny it because you have poisons that drain your resources and make them cost 60% more for 6 seconds. 1vxing is

primarily dead because of this. If you cannot sustain because people keep taking your resources, then this is not a learn to play issue. If you are fighting 3 people and all 3 of them are using

poisons, then it is over. Good bye resources. Respawn at nearest keep.

I am a stamina nightblade. I know dueling is a joke in this game because classes are not balanced at all. I can gank medium armor users effiecantly in CP campaigns, and gank heavy armor users

in Non-CP campaigns efficently as well. What I cannot do is duel another nightblade that is wearing black rose, viper, tremor scale, selenes, validreth, etc. I still run heavy armor, I still use a build

that I made 5 months ago. This is how it goes: I open up a duel, 2 seconds later I get bursted down and I am trying to figure out why I just died. I know exactly why I died, but I'm still very

confused because it makes absolutely no sense why this dude just "dueled" me, and then called me trash. Now let's start to talk about how there are 3 people with this setup on. They take no

damage, their heals are miraculous, and their damage is toxic. Then they are probably using poisons. Lastly I would like to say that 1vx doesn't exist in this game. You will get zerged down by 50

people the moment you run into anyone that you can actually kill. You can just one guy and then you have 50 people ready to kill you.

The PvP in this game is nothing but flowers and rainbows. Wonderful.
  • Spliffo
    People still 1vX. Maybe you just lack the skill required to pull it off
  • Solidsnake993
    Spliffo wrote: »
    People still 1vX. Maybe you just lack the skill required to pull it off

    Yeah, maybe if they are geared exactly as I just described. Otherwise you cannot really convince me that this is a skill issue. They are probably wearing heavy armor otherwise they will die in 4 hits. How many people do you actually know that can 1vx in medium/light armor?

    The reason I say this is because I kept running into this one player that was using heavy armor, black rose, viper, selene, and he would resist all of my damage and then kill me in under 2 seconds. I don't understand how we can talk about player skill at this point. Why else do you think people play the cheesiest characters in street fighter games or hug windows in battle field?
    Edited by Solidsnake993 on December 18, 2016 5:48AM
  • Solidsnake993
    I have 2 other characters but I don't play them because if I do I will get zerged down constantly. You really have no choices available to solo PvP other than gank because any other playstyles outside of ganking in Cyrodiil will get killed more frequently. Now it's something completely different to 1v1 people in Grahtwood but because classes are not balanced and I also don't have any gear for them, I don't play them that often. I got those characters to level 50 like 4 months ago for the magicka sorcerer and 2 months ago for the magicka templar. I really want to believe this game is skill and gear based but if you just read the armor sets, read the poisons, look at your characters armor resistance, and look how much instant damage you are pulling off in one second it is very easy to determine that this game is not skill based. It used to be skill based but I think after about 6 updates ago is when the game began getting much worse.

    I had no trouble with sorcerers and their shields, I didn't really care about nightblades perma dodge rolling. If you think about it a nightblade is supposed to avoid damage and it's a lot harder for a nightblade to avoid damage if they are snared all the time. No immunity to snares? Can we please see something happen to snares? You cannot keep spamming shuffle because it costs too much. Another thing is that I really liked where death stroke was at before dark brotherhood. I think it was extremely balanced and it did not need that buff that it got. It hits way too hard and it takes off half of your health. Sorcerers need their shields to be back up to 20 seconds again, and shield strength should be reduced by 25% instead of 50%. Sorcerer shields are top dog for maelstrom but it kind of bothers me how stamina sorcerer is more overpowered for PvP than magicka is.

    I'm just a guy that wants to see significant changes in class balance. There are a lot of things that needs to be adjusted even though you may think it is a nerf. It doesn't make any sense how some classes/builds can sustain a significant amount of resources/health and still do a lot of damage. It needs to be where you have to sacrifice one thing for another. I know some people that have builds with no flaws, and they think they beat you to a duel because you suck. These type of people I just stay away from, which is why I disabled the chat and also put on auto-decline duels.
  • Jsmalls
    I can 1 v X in light armor.
  • thankyourat
    I still 1vX in light armor on my magblade. I've gotten some really good ones today as well. The thing is don't expect win most 1vX encounters. But it is pretty dead I don't play as much as I use to because of it. It's the root spam that just makes it unenjoyable sometimes. The mindset of the players of the game are very Xv1. Alot of times I'll see 2 or 3 players and they will literally run from me until they get a bigger group.
  • Riggsy
    You still dont understand the ROOT issue. ZOS never tried to balance pvp with crap like VD and proc sets, they are simply trying to get people to NOT battle in big groups because big groups = lag (instead of fixing the lag problem on their end).
    MMAGA - We Made Medium Armor Great Again
    Evasion: Casting this ability and its morphs now requires that you wear 5 pieces of Medium Armor.

    Woe Biden - Mule
    Donald Thump - Mule
    M'aiq Pence - Mule
  • Skinzz
    1vX is soley based on skill. Everyone will have a hard time 1vXing veteran players but noobs are easy.
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
  • CatchMeTrolling
    I'll just say this, you can remove cp from the game and it'll still be unbalanced, that's not even one of the biggest problems with balance. Even when no one had cp there was an obvious balance issue ,such as sorcs with godly shields, mobility and high damage but yeah..

    1vx isn't dead nor is small groups, pvp just isn't fun enough to attempt to do so as much. And I hate to say it but the same player's that complain about balance are the same one's not helping either. Same streamers, youtubers & top player's are all a part of the problem that they complain about lol no one has integrity or a mind of their own in this community
    I've been soloing for the last 6 hours. Here is a tip ... fighting outnumbered is hard. You're not supposed to be able to do it. Go take a resource or something.
  • a1i3nz
    This game isn't designed for you to be a 1vX prodigy. Sure most decent players can pull it off against mediocre players but not against experienced pvpers.

    If you want want to run around wiping groups make a bomber. An average bomber can wipe 20 good players because......well idk that's just how it works ask wrobel.
  • Minalan
    Funny, I had a hilarious 1vX today on TF Rayles when some AD came to claim it.

    As stated above, it only really works against casual players. Everyone else knows how to balance defenses.
  • DannyLV702
    It still happens
  • Derra
    I can still 1vX in light armor on a sorc not using harness magica and not using destro ult nor any procc set (admittedly using infernal guardian would be better and any mediocre proccganker can end any 1vX in a second).

    But it´s still possible.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • raasdal
    All i read is "i dont want to adapt to changes"

    Adapt to the new meta or die. It is very simple.
    PC - EU
    Gromag Gro-Molag - Sorcerer - EP
    Dexion Velus - Dragonknight - AD
    Chalaux Erissa - Nightblade - AD
    Firiel Erissa - Templar - AD
  • Armitas
    To add insult to injury these wombo combo openers usually come with a defile, cause yeah balancing is for other mmos.
    Nord mDK
  • psychotic13
    TLDR, you can only 1vX against bad players, anyone can.
  • Jsmalls
    TLDR, you can only 1vX against bad players, anyone can.

    I disagree, it's POSSIBLE to 1 v X decent players, you just have to catch them making mistakes (everyone does, you just can't be the one to haha). I've 1 v Xed decent players before using tools given to my gear set. The Sword and Board ultimate is amazing for 1 v Xing. AMAZING (really wish it didn't bug my heavy attack half the time). So is Negate. Or Standard. Or Incapacitating Strike. Or Jabs. Or <3 Streak <3.

    Use your 1v X skills to your advantage.

    I suppose you can say there is a hierarchy. You have to be "X" amount better than any one person in said group you are 1 v Xing. But they don't have to be, idk how to CC break or heal "bad".
  • Rohamad_Ali
    1 vs X is no where near dead . You just have to be willing to wear those crazy proc sets . A few really good players can do it with just some old proc sets sets not as op but not as long as they use too . There are some people that can just make almost anything work but those are the rarest .
  • Lexxypwns
    Lol, 1vX isn't dead. Just geared up my stamplar yesterday, 5 air 5 ravager 2 blood spawn in a 5m/2h setup and even without gold weapons I took him out and had 2 successful 1vX in an hour of sporadic play.

    You just need to be ultra aware of your surroundings and have a bit of luck not to get blown up by a stealth ganker in the midst of it
  • Vaoh
    1 vs X is no where near dead . You just have to be willing to wear those crazy proc sets . A few really good players can do it with just some old proc sets sets not as op but not as long as they use too . There are some people that can just make almost anything work but those are the rarest .

    And I can tell you with increasing concern, that they have practically all switched over to full-burst+procs/group PvP/PvE+other games as well. Not fun to keep losing because you get a Heavy Armor enemy to execute range and then 1 BoL heals them for an easy 80% health.

    Right now the damage creep is a big reason for 1vX being "dead". Being dead doesn't mean that no one can do it anymore and that it's literally impossible. It means that only a strong player has the slightest chance of 1vXing non-horrible players assuming no one in the enemy group has a pure counter to your build (and they all mess up badly).

    As a DW Magicka Sorc with high regen and zero procs, all you have to do to almost guarantee a kill on me is have a root spammer. Or 70% snares. My Efficient Purge only cleanses 2 negative effects (most skills place 2-3 on you) so it's never enough.

    Then comes the proc sets, ruining gameplay.....
    Procs allow 1vXers to stack into full burst damage and oneshot people with Crit Charge+Dawnbreaker+Execute spam until they themselves get oneshot (terrible, skill-less, *unfun* gameplay).

    On the flip-side, my shields now get pounded by procs like Viper. A single Full damage spec Nightblade (stacking full damage is easy in One Tamriel and Heavy Armor gives more than enough sustain) forces my 40K Max Magicka Sorc to shieldstack heavily just for survival. What happens when there is two? Or a BoL spammer? Or a Heavy Armor Stam DK/Sorc as well?

    It's simple tbh. I streak far away with my 3K regen because that's all I can do to not die every encounter within 5sec of procs burning me down, hoping that only one follows me or pulls ahead of his group so I can attempt a quick kill.

    These builds aren't just a bit imbalanced. They hit as hard as Pre-Dark Brotherhood Emperors - totally broken.

    1vX is dead, but what else can you expect when so many skill-less additions are added to PvP? Procs, Soul Assault, root/snare spam, Heavy Armor, full-health BoL heals.... the list goes on and on. So many stacked problems arriving patch after patch.

    Some people still wonder why PvP populations are ridiculously low atm XD
    Edited by Vaoh on December 18, 2016 7:58PM

    You make plenty of good points and clearly know what you're talking about but I do take issue with one thing.

    Formerly great players who have chosen not to adapt and leave probably weren't as great as they seemed. I'm sure some were, but now that the game is either 1.5 or 2.5 years old (depending on platform) the gap has closed for another reason you don't seem to be considering.

    The first wave of "great" players were those who could play ESO as if it was their job. If you could devote 30 to 60 hours a week you were going to get gear and game experience at a much higher rate than someone who could only play ESO maybe 10 hours a week.

    Now that so much time has passed many people with full time jobs have caught up gear and skill wise. I would venture a guess that the number of skilled players in Cyrodiil has quadrupled in the last calendar year.

    So yeah, proc sets have something to do with it as do Zergs and bugs. But when every 5th person you come across has 1000 hours of experience, all gold gear and max CP 1 v Xing will simply be harder than it was a year ago.

    If someone left the game because they could not dominate the way they used to, I bet they weren't as dominant as they thought.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    ^ There's more New players in cyrodiil than vets right now
  • Solidsnake993
    Jsmalls wrote: »
    I disagree, it's POSSIBLE to 1 v X decent players, you just have to catch them making mistakes (everyone does, you just can't be the one to haha). I've 1 v Xed decent players before using tools given to my gear set. The Sword and Board ultimate is amazing for 1 v Xing. AMAZING (really wish it didn't bug my heavy attack half the time). So is Negate. Or Standard. Or Incapacitating Strike. Or Jabs. Or <3 Streak <3.

    Use your 1v X skills to your advantage.

    I suppose you can say there is a hierarchy. You have to be "X" amount better than any one person in said group you are 1 v Xing. But they don't have to be, idk how to CC break or heal "bad".

    I previously stated there was a nightblade that was using black rose, viper and selene's. It is impossible to withstand a burst like that let alone there are 3 of them, hell maybe more. I see a lot of players wearing heavy armor during the zerging in Haderus. I know they are wearing heavy armor because 24k health is around the amount that heavy armor users have. My incap hits a lot of these people for like 4k, then there is the matter of their heals being instant, then they are also using proc sets...

    Define decent players. Sypher even said it himself that it is impossible to 1vx decent players. Why is it impossible? Because this is a numbers game. All MMO's are numbers games. When you look at your character stat sheet and then compare it to other players that have stronger stat sheets then you do, then there are like 5 of them that have these identical setups, you are going to lose. This is not something that an actual skilled player can actually handle. If this game was set up to where gear is disabled or classes were actually balanced, then yes I can see this being possible. Refer back to what I said about how quickly that nightblade killed me by himself when you talk about 1vxing being possible. I wasn't even ganking, he wasn't even in stealth.
  • Solidsnake993
    raasdal wrote: »
    All i read is "i dont want to adapt to changes"

    Adapt to the new meta or die. It is very simple.

    This is the wrong attitude to have. This is why I have been holding off on PvP in this update. I mainly just do PvE because what you have just described gets extremely boring. Some players don't want to have to eliminate player skill by conforming to a certain meta. Why should stamina be more overpowered than magicka for PvP? Why can't I just play my own build?
    ^ There's more New players in cyrodiil than vets right now

    There will always be more new players than vets. What I'm saying is that instead of, what, 40 great players on a server there are probably 150. But yes, the new players still probably make up for 75% of the server.

    All it takes is for one great player to be in a group for your 1 v X plans to go up in smoke.
  • Solidsnake993
    If someone left the game because they could not dominate the way they used to, I bet they weren't as dominant as they thought.

    That doesn't make any sense at all. You can't really get away with saying things like that considering how much the game has changed the past year or so.

    I know of a guy who is a really skilled player. I don't even see him on the leader boards anymore, and I don't even know what happened to him. I think he stopped playing this game after the dark brotherhood update was almost over. He can beat anyone in a duel, and I think he's more skilled than Sypher because he has videos of himself 1vxing 20 people at once, all by himself. I will leave a video.

    Tell what you just said to this guy.
    Dueling and Cyrodiil are completely different things.

    He was also playing as a bomber standing in a small room against a group that included 1 person with max CP. Also this was from when 501 was max which further illustrates my point.

    If this was on XBox during this time I would have had 160 to 497 CP. I never actually reached 501 before the raise to 531 mostly due to my 50 hour a week job. I'm now at 600 even. Chances are this guy would have blown me up then. Now? Much less likely.

    Maybe he just likes another game more or left for any other of a million reasons. Or maybe ... he decided that he couldn't effectively destroy 15 people at once in a room the size of a closet because people, through experience, gear and CP, don't fall for it as often.
  • Solidsnake993
    @danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO This guy was always emperor. He only had 2 videos on his channel but I have seen this guy play in Cyrodiil before. It kind of confuses me how he doesn't have more content on his channel than just these 2 videos because he just very easily make a really good compilation of him destroying large groups by himself, not just as a magicka nightblade, but as a stamina nightblade as well. I asked him how many characters he has and he told me he has 1 magplar, 1 magicka sorcerer, and one stamina nightblade. What setup is he using for his nightblade? 5 hundings 1 bloodspawn 1 molag keena, maelstrom maul sharpened and maelstrom 2h bow probably powered/defending. He uses gear that is not as viable as it once was yet he can still wreck you. He doesn't have to use best in slot to win, but I think he realizes that 1vxing is beyond dead because of the current state of Cyrodiil now.
    @danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO This guy was always emperor. He only had 2 videos on his channel but I have seen this guy play in Cyrodiil before. It kind of confuses me how he doesn't have more content on his channel than just these 2 videos because he just very easily make a really good compilation of him destroying large groups by himself, not just as a magicka nightblade, but as a stamina nightblade as well. I asked him how many characters he has and he told me he has 1 magplar, 1 magicka sorcerer, and one stamina nightblade. What setup is he using for his nightblade? 5 hundings 1 bloodspawn 1 molag keena, maelstrom maul sharpened and maelstrom 2h bow probably powered/defending. He uses gear that is not as viable as it once was yet he can still wreck you. He doesn't have to use best in slot to win, but I think he realizes that 1vxing is beyond dead because of the current state of Cyrodiil now.

    Awesome, I'm glad he's great and has a following on PS4. I'm glad you think he could wreck me. He probably could. There is also a 100% chance that I could melt him if I time it right just like I have done to many emperors.

    Sadly, we'll never know because I'm still playing the game and he isn't.
  • Chrlynsch
    If someone left the game because they could not dominate the way they used to, I bet they weren't as dominant as they thought.

    That doesn't make any sense at all. You can't really get away with saying things like that considering how much the game has changed the past year or so.

    I know of a guy who is a really skilled player. I don't even see him on the leader boards anymore, and I don't even know what happened to him. I think he stopped playing this game after the dark brotherhood update was almost over. He can beat anyone in a duel, and I think he's more skilled than Sypher because he has videos of himself 1vxing 20 people at once, all by himself. I will leave a video.

    Tell what you just said to this guy.

    This guy was emperor... Please...
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
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