Starting a new guild with a focus on new players. Learn the game with us, explore Tamriel with a focus on adventure and casual social play.
Experienced people are more than welcome to join, but this guild will be all about helping each other learn the game and figuring out everything ESO has to offer. If you enjoy teaching, this could be great for you.
Some features are:
- Friendly and social NA ppl
- Role based Rank system - You will have a job, not just a meaningless title
- Ranks based on role and level, NOT popularity
- Get actual help in game, we respond to requests and questions
- Casual Social, no pressure to log on often, no pressure to level or $
- Regular Games and Contests
- English Only plz
5 years experience running a larger mature guild on a private WoW server, 100s of members and tons of good times. New to ESO though, hence the casual social learning guild theme.
Contact @Powerhand in game for an invite.
Yes I know, yet ANOTHER guild. Putting this here for anyone interested.
Edited by Powerhand on December 17, 2016 4:51PM