Dude, great job! I love it! Personally, I'd use Mist Form more often with your regen, heal back up and go back to the fight.Escorpiao_Noturno wrote: »Hi, this video is for tanks only. If you are a DPS don't watch it otherwise you will say something like :
"Tanks is useless, You can't kill anyone, You are a cancer, No skill needed, I just ignore you "
So please keep this kind of argues with you.
So talking about PVP tanking, "Draconis" my EP red friend told me about this new build.
It's increrible. For me it's the best build ever for tanks.
See how fast I gain resources.
Of course you can be killed, but need a lot damage to kill you.
Special thanks to my friend Draconis.
Please if you guys have some cool videos from PVP tank, share here.
Gorrag Gro-Gar, Loki,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxoKg97QKkQ
Just because you're using heavy armor that doesn't automatically made you a tank, you're just tankier. Pretty sure most people that able to kill while "tanking" are using DPS oriented heavy armor set and sacrifice their own survivability(compared to pure tank) in achieving that goal which is competely reversed in case of EscorpiaoNoturno build that try to maximize his own survivability while sacrificing or completely ignoring his damage capability. Saying your build is boring is like saying you hate ice cream. No one gives a crap.God_flakes wrote: »I am far more impressed with players like Marvin Gayne who can successfully tank AND kill. Far more fun to group with said tanks, too. Escorpiao, you can ignore me all you want but I will say it anyway...your build is kinda played and boring.
aidenmoore wrote: »Dude, great job! I love it! Personally, I'd use Mist Form more often with your regen, heal back up and go back to the fight.Escorpiao_Noturno wrote: »Hi, this video is for tanks only. If you are a DPS don't watch it otherwise you will say something like :
"Tanks is useless, You can't kill anyone, You are a cancer, No skill needed, I just ignore you "
So please keep this kind of argues with you.
So talking about PVP tanking, "Draconis" my EP red friend told me about this new build.
It's increrible. For me it's the best build ever for tanks.
See how fast I gain resources.
Of course you can be killed, but need a lot damage to kill you.
Special thanks to my friend Draconis.
Please if you guys have some cool videos from PVP tank, share here.
Gorrag Gro-Gar, Loki,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxoKg97QKkQ
Just because you're using heavy armor that doesn't automatically made you a tank, you're just tankier. Pretty sure most people that able to kill while "tanking" are using DPS oriented heavy armor set and sacrifice their own survivability(compared to pure tank) in achieving that goal which is competely reversed in case of EscorpiaoNoturno build that try to maximize his own survivability while sacrificing or completely ignoring his damage capability. Saying your build is boring is like saying you hate ice cream. No one gives a crap.God_flakes wrote: »I am far more impressed with players like Marvin Gayne who can successfully tank AND kill. Far more fun to group with said tanks, too. Escorpiao, you can ignore me all you want but I will say it anyway...your build is kinda played and boring.
alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
Wait......the OP is running within EP groups as a DC to help them generate ult? Did you report it?!
alephthiago wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
Wait......the OP is running within EP groups as a DC to help them generate ult? Did you report it?!
As far as i know he isnt doing anything wrong even if he was indeed together with the EP group OR they were just tired of trying to kill him, what if i want to use my EP tank and run around with any of my AD guilds?
That is the same thing as saying i should be reported for not killing my friends while in their Alts
God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
Wait......the OP is running within EP groups as a DC to help them generate ult? Did you report it?!
alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
Wait......the OP is running within EP groups as a DC to help them generate ult? Did you report it?!
As far as i know he isnt doing anything wrong even if he was indeed together with the EP group OR they were just tired of trying to kill him, what if i want to use my EP tank and run around with any of my AD guilds?
That is the same thing as saying i should be reported for not killing my friends while in their Alts
You're actually defending someone running an alt tank within an enemy group to help them build their ultimates?
Fun video. You'd definitely be a headache to avoid.God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »God_flakes wrote: »alephthiago wrote: »After being overwhelmed i did sit there, dead and laughing my ass off
Wait......the OP is running within EP groups as a DC to help them generate ult? Did you report it?!
As far as i know he isnt doing anything wrong even if he was indeed together with the EP group OR they were just tired of trying to kill him, what if i want to use my EP tank and run around with any of my AD guilds?
That is the same thing as saying i should be reported for not killing my friends while in their Alts
You're actually defending someone running an alt tank within an enemy group to help them build their ultimates?
On a side note: This is not your sodding sports team. This isn't a league with professional rules and guidelines that restrict conspiring with another alliance. Your preconceived notions of morality and fairness do not apply to this game. In fact, if we're looking at the real world comparisons then you could say that helping another alliance is fine considering history had many traitors in war. You can carry out your sense of justice and hunt down the traitor, as this is a fun way to play the game, but saying that it's a bannable offense or that it even breaks the rules is pedantic at best and silly at worst.
joshisanonymous wrote: »Ok, I haven't had time to really play for several months, but I keep seeing these videos of basically indestructible tanks in PvP and I don't get it. What exactly is keeping these people alive? They don't seem to be using any resources whatsoever and their health never drops low enough to ever need a big heal. Half the time there's not even an indication that they have an active HoT, so it seems that they're simply impervious to damage and achieving that imperviousness without using almost no resources. What is going on? What are the counters to this? Is there some new game mechanic that the enemy players are just not aware of like in the early days when infinite batspam was achievable as long as enemy players didn't keep their distance or when infinite wings were possible as long as enemy players kept attacking with reflectable attacks?
Tying up 20-30 enemies for 5+ min>giving puggy mcpuggerson his Templar healing ultAstanphaeus wrote: »I don't ignore you; you are great for ulti regen when I need it.
Tying up 20-30 enemies for 5+ min>giving puggy mcpuggerson his Templar healing ultAstanphaeus wrote: »I don't ignore you; you are great for ulti regen when I need it.