One hand duelist skill line

heys guys, ladies

First of all, i just want to say that this post is not a request, i did it for the fun, with no serious expectations.
This post may change over time.
Fell free to discuss and suggest better ideas.
And yeah, I'm french. Not english, so it may have some mistakes here and there.

Why ?
I really like one handed fight in games and all.
For a while, i would have liked to play as a one handed duelist, but i had to cheat on that to get skills with my weak basics attacks. One blade and one dagger, use only class active skills ...
There were no really good choices, and the main value was missing : mobility. Hit a target for 30 sec with a sword without moving my feets...
Not really classy, nor entertaining.
As the character use only one hand, i wanted to give the possibility to use the second for magical spells (and dart throw)
It's impossible for magical spell, so i did a passive skill to balance this.
Oh! And i want a messy barbarian ultimate so bad ... those press R are not enought

So to sum up the one handed duelist/dancer/blade master, here are the main ideas :

Stam with possibility to convert to stam + mag or mag
Can invoke and use conjured ghost weapons (skyrim style)(for magicka cost)
Many sources of low/medium damage
Criticals friendly, added damage
weak in defense (malus on blocking), medium armor friendly passives
mostly one target skills

__ II / Active skills __

Estoc strike
This is supposed to be the main damage skill
Range 2 meters, medium cost stamina
Hit the target straight to a critical point to inflict critical damage. Mark the target for 5 sec.
Estoc strike on marked target don't inflict critical but normal damage with a penetration bonus.
  • Slit strike : the hit project you to the other side of the target, inflict bleeding. add stamina cost of the roll dodge
  • explosive strike : cost magicka, add magical damage, confuse the enemy

Front kick
To keep a distance with the enemy, especialy in 1vX combat, no magicka upgrade
Range : none, medium cost stamina
Strong middle kick in the target, knock him back 2 meters. Inflict physical damage.
  • High kick : Add a first hit in the head, confuse the enemy and inflict physical damage before the base kick.
  • Low kick : Add a first hit in the legs, slow the enemy and inflict small physical damage before the base kick.

Chained dart
Control skill with high cost in stamina (require one or two roll to confuse/stun)
Range : 1 meters, low cost stamina
Throw a chained dart on the enemy to force him to face you for 2 sec. Inflict a few damage.
If you go fast to the other side of the enemy (jump, roll, slit strike), the link break and the enemy is confused.
If the target was already confused, the chained dart knock him down.
  • Weakness chain : inflict physical damage, and drain a small amount of stamina every 0.5 sec whil the chain is up.
  • Leech chain : cost magicka, inflict magical damage and drain a small amount of life every 0.5 sec while the chain is up.

The two other are less inspired. I wanted to complete the ghosts weapons thing.

Ghost blade
Magicka skill to gain life steal or stamina regen
Range : personal, cost magicka, incantation : 2 sec (time to put his sword in his scabbard)
invoke a ghost blade to replace your actual blade. Make both physical and magical damage
  • Twin ghost : Area affect for the basic attacks (50% to nearby enemies)
  • Leech ghost : each hits regen stamina

A personal buff to increase damages
Range : personnal
Dunno, give buff of critics, or damages

Ultimate : Dancing blades
The ultimate don't work alone but give a massive damage buff to the skills. 1v1 skill, usefull for boss
The upgrades allow to use it in group fight to
Range : 8 meters, cost magicka, incantation : 2 sec
Invoke 5 ghost blades around the target.
Right after a strike or a chained dart, one ghost blade crashes in the enemy
Use your kick to teleport 1 blade behind to impale the enemy
Your personal buff make the planted blades explode to inflict magical damages.
  • Add 4 small blades above the character. Each activation of the ultimate trhow one blade straight ahead, making damages to enemies in his way
  • range : personnal, Add 2 more ghost blades, effects applies to the target of each skills

__ II / Passive skills __

Some few ideas, but can't really give duration or percentages.

- fast incantation
Magicka skills are automatically followed by a fast basic attack with increased damage

- Counter attack
add chances to attack right after blocking / evading

- Evading bonus
add a few chance to evade when blocking (to counter the defense malus)

- ??

- ??
> Lisbeth Greenhearth - lvl 50 CP 160
Breton - templar Tank
Hinola Greenhearth - lvl 13
Breton - templar Heal
Do'Raishan - lvl 11
Khajiit - nightblade thief
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Yes please . One handed just feels natural .

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