Twilights Embrace healer, Lunar Bastion tank. Alkosh stam DPS, Moondancer magic DPS.
These synergy armors offer amazing performance for trials IMO. I've acquired most of these sets in full and mix them with other good trial gear.
Tanking and healing trials, you need to be adding as much you can to the group. How bout adding a damage shield every 2 seconds or a 20k HOT? That's serious utility. And they look great too. Except for helmets. Kind of strange if your not a kitty.
Everyone I play with is still going crazy trying to get Craglorn trials VO and IA....which are also amazing sets, but more difficult to acquire. The watered down ones aren't very good. I tried making the Eternal Yokeda set work, but it's just terrible.
I know these sets aren't new or anything, but I rarely see people using them and I think it could majorly help out some groups I've been in. And if everyone would actually use the synergies. LOL!