Zenimax should, in all honesty, adjust the manner in which toons are gated into a campaign.
Why? Because for some time now players have been playing in Campaign #1 and pulling players from Campaign #2 to join the first campaign. This makes the campaign extremely lopsided. To further frustrate a player, the "bars" when joining a campaign do not reflect the true number of players per faction. At present a player in Campaign #1 can pull players from multiple campaigns, and a full roster of 24, into a campaign. Fine, except that only the first player counts, not the other 23.
There is a very simple solution to the problem, if Zenimax would only listen. The coding would not even be that hard to implement. Redesign the process so that a playe can only join those campaigns as set in his or hers campaign settings per that specific character. In other wors, a character can only join a campaign set as their home or guest campaign. This would also limit the cheating players who are paying guilds large sums of gold to buy a player so he or she can become emperor.
Any comments Zenimax???