A couple dumb questions...
The bonus from set pieces is cumulative, right? If I put on 4 pieces of Death's Wind, for example, and that set is: (2 items) add 100 physical resistance.
then (3 items) add 100 health and (4 items) add 100 health, after equipping 4 items, I will have 200 health added and 100 physical resistance.
When considering number of items equipped to receive a set bonus, the weapons in your second bar count towards that?
So if I have four daggers of the above set, as an example, I'd have the 200 health, and 100 physical resist.
I know, you're saying test it. But I sometimes take pieces of armor, and while in inventory I will mouse over the new piece. The resulting changes just don't add out to how I mentally calculate it, and it makes me question whether I understand this correctly. As an example, I moused over a IDENTICAL gloves as I had equipped, and it resulted in lower Health. How? I don't know. They were identical! Same level, same type, same attribute, same max health value... everything. Thank you for your help!